Recap: Grey's Anatomy 1x03

Jul 15, 2006 20:17

So… recap time! I‘ve really wanted to do one of these, mostly for my own benefit, for a while now. My sister and I usually will snark at something on our own when it’s the hundredth time we see something, because… well we’re kind of snarky people. And I thought it would be cool to put our heads together and actually recap something, much in the fashion of Television Without Pity, of which we are avid and devoted fans of. My sister is actually on the other side of the world at the moment, so this first one is just going to be from me, and I’m going to see how it works out.

I’m choosing to do a random first season episode of Grey’s Anatomy, for various reasons. First, it’s a nice show with some really wonderful stories and characters. Second, although TWoP does already recap GA, they haven’t done any first season episodes. And third, I have the episode on my Faux-TiVo. (Hey, if you say that out loud, it rhymes!) So without further ado, I give you the Recap of 1x03 Winning a Battle, Loosing the War.


We open with a lovely view out the window to rain, as the plucky beginning chords of ‘There’s A Girl’ by The Ditty Bops take us over to Meredith sleeping in her bed. Let me just say right now that I am a huge fan of the music on this show. I am have entire play lists on my Mp3 player of just music from this show, and The Ditty Bops is defiantly one of the better bands I’ve been introduced to from it.

Meredith Voice Over: “We live out our lives on the surgical unit. Seven days a week, fourteen hours a day. We’re together more than we’re apart.” The alarm clock next to the bed is flashing 4:37, and I presume that’s AM, or else Meredith is much lazier than I thought. And I’m a little perplexed as to why it is flashing, because I thought digital clocks only did that when the power went off, and then they default back to 12:00. Crazy Mere and her crazy clock.

Mere wakes with a start and a yell with Izzie standing next to her bed with a mug of coffee. Hi Izzie! Apparently I used to do the exact same thing when I slept walked. I would go into my parents room and stand in the dark over on my Mom’s side of the bed, and not say anything. She would wake with a start herself and be really freaked out and tell me to go back to bed. I, of course, don’t remember any such event occurring, and it could just be a lie. Just to note, but seeing an early episode like this reminds me that all the interns were just a bit pudgier in the early days than they are now. Or maybe it’s all that they got better haircuts.

Izzie complains that George’s room is bigger than her’s, and Mere sort of ignores her, then weirdly gets out of bed and falls straight down with a big thud, like maybe she tripped over something. Iz follows Mere down the hall, all the while stating her reasons why she needs the bigger room, like more clothes. George is hilariously propped up against his door frame, like he’s trying to protect it from her. He says that he got there first, and Izzie says that it’s Meredith’s house so she should decide.

They continue to argue about it, following Meredith down the stairs, into the grage/laundry room, back up the stairs and down the hall. Mere VO: “After awhile, the ways of residency become the ways of life. Number One: Always keep score. Number Two: Do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy.” Izzie expositions a bit that Meredith’s Mom’s stuff is everywhere and George helps out some more by asking when her mom is coming back. Izzie: “You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall I found this box with like, a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medical procedures.” George thinks they should watch them and Meredith finally does what she should have done from the start and slams a door in their face, then opens it to take Izzie’s coffee. That’s my girl. I wouldn’t take none of that crap at 4:30 in the morning, and Mere shouldn’t either, no matter how annoying she might get.

Georgey asks through the door if she wants some privacy. No George, she wants to listen to you and the other annoying one bitch about your rooms for two more hours before heading off to work. VO: “Number three: Don’t make friends with the enemy.”

Bailey stands on a street corner as some cars whiz past and makes me miss Seattle. McDreamy comes up and says good morning, and she tells him to stuff it. Yes! Rock on. Some one as pretty as him needs to be told that at least once every day. MD: “You realize that I’m an attending and you’re only a resident. That you work for me right?” Bailey’s being awesome and ignoring him, mumbling that she knows she forgot something, that something was happening today and that she should know what it was. Basically, The Nazi’s having a brain fart. Don’t worry hon, it happens to the best of us.

Derek all “…Kay then,” and walks out on to the street. Suddenly we hear what I think is a yell and Bailey saves the pretty one from being squished by a shit-load of crazy people on bikes. Kay then indeed. People flip over newspaper dispensers and there’s general mayhem around them, and Bailey now remembers what she couldn’t before. I’d like to make a note of the pink cord jacket The Nazi is wearing in his scene, because ever since I first saw this episode on my tiny little computer screen I thought it was odd. I don’t like The Nazi in pink. I… just don’t. My Sista’ Shonda, and the lovely wardrobe peeps, don’t do that again, please. It’s scary and off-putting. Nazi + Pink =Broken Brain.

The Interns follow Bailey as she rants. “Fools on bikes. It’s natural selection is what it is.” Alex spawnofsatan Karev is all WTF to George, who is equally confusing with, “You’ve never heard of the race?” No George we haven’t. A shot of the surgery board, and The Chief tells us, as well as Derek and Burke, that it’s excellent, well timed, balanced, efficient and that if all goes well they may have an early night. Make note of the surgery caps, ferry boats on Derek’s freaky pink retro flowers on Burke’s and tie-dye blue for The Chief. It’s taken me two seasons, but I have finally decided that I completely despise Burke’s flowers. Nazi comes and bursts his bubble, telling him that the ‘Dead Baby Bike Race started 20 minutes ago.’

The Gang expositions for us all: Every year, a bar called The Dead Baby Bar holds an underground bike race. It’s completely illegal and crazy, consisting of ‘a bunch of bike messengers racing against traffic trying to beat each other for a free shot of tequila’. Alex: “All out no-holds-barred competition. Sounds like fun.” And I’d have to agree with him. I’d totally do it. It actually sounds a lot like The Zoobombers in Portland (which is where I live, BTW).

George tells us that there are no rules except the very important No Eye Gouging. I wonder how they would enforce that. George asks, “What kind of people engage in a race that has, as it’s only rule, that you can’t rip out the eyeballs of another human being?” Alex’s answer is Men, and I would take offence at that, except I have learned by now that Alex is supposed to be a misogynistic ass, and that’s part of why we love him so much.

Bailey needs someone to send up to the OR to be The Chief’s right hand and picks George after everyone except Meredith regresses back to middle school and raises their hands to be chosen. VO: “Oh, and yeah. Number four, everything, everything is a competition.” Bailey tells us The Rules of Trauma. “Don’t mingle with the ER interns, they don’t know their ass from their esophagus. Sew fast, discharge fast, take [unintelligible] bodies up to the OR yesterday. And don’t let me catch you fighting over patients.” And of they go, arguing like 7th graders all he way.

Mangled people are wheeled past, and we give a moment a silence for the best line of the episode, given by, of course, Cristina. “It’s like candy, but with blood, which is so much better!” I’ll let the awesome-ness sink in for a second on that one. She dashes off with Izzie right behind, and we got a close-up shot of Hot/Tough Guy #1, who had some lovely bicycle spokes protruding from his abdomen. Good times. Meredith says she’ll take him, but Alex wants some pretty guy lovin’ too this week, so they race each other over. Oh and there’s a cynical VO: “Whoever said winning wasn’t everything, never held a scalpel.”

And… ZOMG! Open sequence! I haven’t seen it in such a long time, as after about The Super Bowl Code Black episode of doom, they axed it. Whatever the reason, if it was for time or what, I was sad to see it go.

No commercial. Alex and Mere are going to flip a coin for Hot Tough Guy #1. Alex gets him if it’s heads and Mere if it’s tails. Mere whines and complains, as is her way, and asks why he gets to be heads. “Because I have a head and honey, you are a tail.” Heh. Meredith pulls the curtain and asks how he manages to make everything dirty. Because, it’s Alex. It’s like his gift or something. He flips the coin, it’s tails, and of course he tries to backtrack on his own rules. He tells her to get another case, that he was there first, and she’s not going to back down and let him have a surgery. He says that it’s cool, but superficial, and she asks how he knows that the Spokes of Doom didn’t rupture his peritoneum. And wow, I only missed the correct spelling by one letter! *feels proud of herself* And because I have it here right in front of me, and I know you’re all wondering I’ll tell you what exactly a peritoneum is. It’s a “a smooth transparent membrane that lines the abdomen and doubles back over the surfaces of the internal organs to form a continuous sac.” Cool, neh? And now you know.

Alex says he knows because he’s sitting up and talking, which cues Pretty Boy to pull back the curtain and asks for them to stop bitching and finally give him some medical attention so he can go win the race. And I’d like to note now that he’s British, which makes him worthy of an IMDb lookup. Ladies and gents, may I introduce to you Callum Blue, who was on Related before it was cancelled and was Andrew, the clean-cut fiancé in The Princess Diaries 2. I think I looked him up before actually. And I had a good laugh at the Princess Diaries one, which is so far and away from this role that I have to give him so props. When you can change yourself so completely to the point where I can’t recognize you from something, that’s pretty amazing.

Anyways, Mere protests that they can’t just take them out, and of course Alex goes right on ahead and yanks those suckers out. Viper, which is his name (thank IMDb!), hisses and moans prettily, and seals the deal for me with a nice “Wicked.” Mere keeps stuttering as Alex tells her to sew him up and send him out, then walks off. Viper: “Eh, good man.” And I love him. He could be just as jerky as Alex and I totally wouldn’t care. Just.. so pretty. I’m too much of a sucker for accents of any kind, and a British one just slays me on the spot.

Izzie and Cristina’s patient. Cristina introduces him to us and McDreamy and Burke, whose in the background, “Unidentified John Doe. Mid 30s pedestrian hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike. GCS 3. Pupils fixed and dilated. Atropine given for a pulse in the 40s. BP 183 over 112. Plus ox 98%.” Izzie says that the chest showed something medical and unintelligible and that the head CT reveled cerebral edema. He’s also had some fancy schmancy medicine that I don’t feel like spelling. Cristina asks if they she get him to the OR, and Burke asks Shepherd if he’s ‘gorked’, I think which McDreamy says yes to. And burke lets us know that the bike race had claimed it’s first victim and he says that he’ll make his ‘triple A repair’ after all. I think that meant triple aortic repair, but I can never be sure.

Izzie’s all, “Bwah? No surgery?” And Shepherd is all “nope”. He tells them to do a EEG and confirmatory tests and that if he doesn’t respond in 6 hours to declare him. Izzie’s more confused than someone whose been through medical school should ever be about declaring anything in a hospital, and Cristina has to fill it in for her. And Izzie’s sad.

George pops into the prep room, all ready to assist The Chief, but he tells him to go check on hispre/post op patients, because he’ll be stuck in surgery all day. George has a bit of an odd gag/moment wile trying to put back a package of wipes. It’s another one of those odd things that make me wish it never happened. The Chief tells him to give his friend in 4451, Lloyd Mackie, whatever he needs. Georgey Porgey walks on out and on to…

Lloyd Mackie, friend of The Chief, smoking a cigarette. Now, I’ve never been in a hospital longer than the couple hours I spent with m sister after she had jaw surgery, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do that. George confirms my suspicions and gets all panicky, “Mr. Mackie, no smoking! There’s no smoking.!” Mac the Knife, which is his name now, asks why not, and George goes up another freak-out level, all “ZOMG! IT”S A HOSPITAL!” Mac is still all ‘Meh’, and George is hilarious. “Idon’t know if you’ve listened to the surgeon general lately, say in the last 2o years, but smoking is bad. Smoking will kill you.” Thanks George, that was nice, and not harsh at all, you dorkwad. Mac the Knife say that liver cancer will kill him and smoking will just speed up the process, which is much like the AIDS kid on House who partied all the time and did drugs because he had nothing to lose. I have no respect for you Mackie.

Georgey does an emotional 180 and tells him that there’s hope because he’s on the top of the list for a new liver. Mackie: “Sweetheart, I’ve been at the top of the list for 8 months. I not in the batter’s cage, I’m in the dugout about to be traded.” Sport metaphors equal the barf, thank you very much. I’d like to hear something a bit more creative than that, although I guess it’ll do for this storyline. George asks if he likes baseball, and he doesn’t, he just used a sports metaphor because it’s the easy way out. George is all, Mmmkay then, and Mac the Knife tells us that Richard is ‘a dear old friend’ and that he’s been his doctor for 30 years. George tells him that whatever he needs, George is his man. Mac says he’s sure he’ll think of something and we pick up again with the plucky music. There’s a general creepiness vibe from him, methinks.

Commercials. Is it wrong for me to really like that roller-skating Diet Coke commercial/ I think it’s the music. And dang, recapping is hard. I require sustenance. Stale Kix and pudding from a tube, there’s nothing like em.

And… we’re back to Izzie, Cristina and the almost brain dead John Doe. Cristina says tha there are no corneal reflexes, which I have learned form ER is a sign of brain death. Izzie says that it’s been 55 minutes and asks that if nothing changes in the next 5 hours are they just going to sit there and watch him die and Cristina says that if nothing changes it means he’s already dead. Well Miss Annoying scoffs at this, “Technically. Legally.” And Cristina just bitch slaps her with, “Actually, Izzie. Actually dead.” A counter that he’s still breathing and has a heartbeat, and again Cristina awesomely points out that there’s no higher brain function and that he won’t ever talk, move or think again, that there’s no one in there.

I don’t really want to get into the ethics of all this, the should they keep him alive with a ventilator when he has no future, because it is a very sensitive topic for most people. But what irks me just a little that someone who has been to med school would be this worked up over brain death at this point. I mean, isn’t that something you probably would work through when you learn about brain death verses total system failure death. But I know I’m not an expert on it, so it’s only an irk and not an outright complaint. Cristina helps me out a little with, “Act like a doctor, Izzie.” Yeah Izzie!

Izzie thinks that he could still wake up, that there are medical miracles and that one could still happens. McDreamy: “I know.” He’s standing outside the door, hands on hips and looking too pretty for words. “People do wake up. That’s why we do a series of tests over a set number of hours. So when we call time of death, we know that we’ve done everything in power to make sure that’s it’s actually his time of death. But there isn’t gonna be any miracles.” Thanks for explaining that to us Derek/Shonda Rhimes, but still, shouldn’t Izzie have learned that already? Shepherd goes on, saying that this is the hard part for surgeons, to stand around and not cut. “That’s what Do No Harm means.” Actually, did you know that ‘First, Do No Harm’ isn’t included in the Hippocratic Oath? What is included is that they will not perform abortions or cut for kidney stones. You learn something new from Wikipedia every day.

Cristina: “I wish he would just go to the light already so I could go get another case.” Izzie is, of course, all aghast at her harshness, but Cristina makes a decent point, “Oh, I’m the devil because I’d rather be in surgery instead of standing watch over the death squad. It’s depressing.” Izzie notices that his shoes are new, he has a repaired hole in his pants and an electronic key card. She’s sad because he belongs to someone, that an hour ago he was out in the world and alive and that it’s wrong for them to just stand there and watch him die, that it’s a waste of life. Cristina agrees, but she’s more practical and says that it would also be a waste of organs. Izzie’s like, “That’s not what I meant!” but now Cristina’s got her mind set on something, and there’s no going back from that.

Meredith and the Pretty British Dude. She’s suturing his stomach gash, while he’s trying to sweet talk her. He says that she’s got a nice touch, and that by the way, she’s a walking babe. She asks if he seriously thinks he’s got a shot, and he says he thinks he’s got a shot anywhere. Okay, too true, but that doesn’t mean you get to flaunt it. Cocky and pretty is not a real tempting mix. She wants to take him for some test, like a CT, because ehe may have some internal bleeding, all while he’s making eyes at her, but he delines saying that he has to get back to his race. She asks why he wants to go back, since he can’t win now anyway, but he tells her he can still cross the finish line. “There’s a party at the finish line. Do you want to meet me there?” She keeps pressing, “One test. A CT. I’ll have you out of here in an hour.” He’s still got to go.

She finishes up, and tells him that he’ll have to sign paperwork stating how he’s stupid and ignored medical advice even though she strongly urged him to stay. He says that ‘the frat guy said he could go’. Mere: “The frat guy is an ass.” Too true, but he is pretty. She tells him that he’ll have to sign an AMA form and he makes more eyes at her. “Darling, I will do anything you want me to.” Except stay another hour in the hospital. Meredith asks what the deal is with guys and their need to dirty everything up, and he (sexily) says that he doesn’t know. “Maybe it’s just testosterone.” She says that he might want to see a doctor about that too, and honey, if there was a cure, they would have defiantly found it b now.

He signs the form, in like a split second and hands it back to her. He starts to swagger out, then turns around and lays one on Meredith, the lucky girl. He tells her it was for good luck, and that she’ll see him again. The crazy bells and whistles of FORESHADOWING are going off in my head. It’s like a carnival. She says that she hopes not, for his sake.

She turns around and starts to clean up, then sees McDreamy standing outside the window. Stalker! Why is he standing out in the hall with his arms akimbo every 10 minutes? “You make out with patients now?” Well, she had sex with you, you can’t get much lower than that. Okay, sorry. That was mean and untrue. I would totally do McDreamy. But she is a skank, and a doctor, and that’s what skank doctors do, is kiss patients. She asks if he’s jealous, and he says that he doesn’t get jealous. I beg to differ, seeing as you punch out Mark and are the biggest bitch ever in Season 2. But that’s another story. Mere: “We had sex, once.” E reminds her of that interesting moment in the last episode where they made out in the elevator and she does concede to that one as well. What point is she trying to make here? He asks her to go out with him, and she says no. McDreamy: “Ya know I almost died today. Yeah, I came like, this close.” And he shows us how close with his hands, and it’s truly adorable. Man, he’s got some pretty eyes in this scene. Come to think of it, he was pretty pretty in this entire episode. He asks how she would feel if he died and she didn’t get a chance to go out with me. I’m thinking she got the better deal, seeing as she got to bang him and she didn’t have to endure what might have been an incredibly boring date. She tells him to get over himself, he tells her to come on. Finally, “It’s the chase, isn’t it?” Derek’s all “WTF?” And Meredith explains herself.

“The thrill of the chase. I’ve been wondering to myself, why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you? You know you’re my boss, you know it's against the rules, you know I keep saying ‘No’. It’s the chance.” He thinks it fun and it proves her point, that it’s all a game to him. But it’s not a game to her, because unlike him, she still has something to prove. Derek’s just like, “Kay than.”

Bailey’s resecting a bowel and dislikes multi-tasking, while Izzie and Cristina say that they have to declare their John Doe brain dead in 3 hours and that they want to harvest his organs. And Microsoft Word does not like the word ‘resecting’ very much. Bailey asks why they’re wasting time on this when they have an overflow of patients downstairs. Izzie responds, as the squishy one, “That if he dies -and he could still live ya know- his death should mean something.” Bailey thinks that they both just want the harvest surgery, and first Cristina says that she wants to save lives, then just admits that she wants the surgery. Bailey tells us that, “Getting organs from a John Doe is a long shot. Without ID, you can’t contact the family, without the family you can’t get consent to harvest the organs. Let the poor man die in peace.” But if they find the family and get consent they can harvest the organs, so they dash off to do just that.

Alex comes up to the Nurses’ Station and asks George what in the hell he’s doing, because he has his face down and covered by the lid of a chart. “Hiding.” Thank George, that was a hard one to figure out. He says that there’s a VIP patient who likes him, and Alex think that’s a good thing. George goes all 5th grade with, “He likes me likes me.” Alex: “Go for it, man. Get yours. I’m down with the rainbow.” Well however down with the rainbow you might be, I’m pretty sure your not supposed to ‘go for it’ with any patient. George is all wide doe eyes, and Alex asks if he’s gay, and George is all “No!?” Alex is hilarious, “Really? Dude, sorry.” George is just aghast as Cristina and Izzie come up. George holds something out for Cristina and once she’s closer he says, “Do you- do you think- Does Meredith think I’m gay?” She asks if he is, he responds in the negative and when she asks ‘Really?’ he turns around in a huff.

Izzie gives a nurse John Doe’s key card, saying that se called the police and they’re sending someone over, to maybe figure out what hotel he was staying at and get his ID from there. Nurse says that she’ll make sure they get it, and Izzie stresses the importance a bit more. Nurse asks if they want permission for organ donation, which George overhears. Izzie says that she just wants to find the family. George asks the donor’s blood type, and Cristina tells him it's O Negative.

Izzie sits with John Doe and talks to him, “I know you probably can’t hear me and you’re feeling this big push to go toward the light where everything’s all halos and all you can eat buffets,” which she’s actually right about in a way. “And I mean sharing your organs is really great and all, but I think you have a family. I can feel it. So I think it’d be really great if you could do me a favor and get better. Just, live. So you think you could give that a shot for me?” And his monitor starts going crazy because is heart rate is dropping. Good job Izzie! Shocked the brain dead guy into a hear attack!

Commercials. I prefer not to think of myself as a collection of pipes, thank you very much. You think that Vesicare commercial is what Willa Wonka and the Plumbing Factory looks like?

Izzie’s a bit calm with her, “Oh no.” instead of total onset freak out. She spots Meredith in the hall and drags her into the room to help, saying that he’s crashing. She tells her to call a code, except she’s not supposed to because he’s brain dead. Mere says that if he’s brain dead then she has to let him go, but Iz ain’t having none of that. She fiddles with the medication controller buttons, while Meredith is ethical saying that it isn’t their place to make the call of whether or not to try and save his life. Izzie: “He’s a person. We’re doctors. We should have every right to make that call.” Actually no. Just because you may know more about how to save our lives doesn’t give you the right to dictate how we live them. She keeps going though, “We can’t just stand here and do nothing while he dies. He has the right to the next 27 minutes” Wow, Izzie needs to go to Country General in Chicago and take some lessons there. Seriously, those doctors learned like, 3 years ago that some people can’t be saved, no matter how hard you try. Meredith pauses for a second, then, “Screw it. I’ll get the Dopamine, you get the blood, we’ll transfuse him.” And in the background his heart rate seems steady, so now I’m really confused as to what’s going on. Ah well.

Sped up shot of Seattle skyline that fades into another foggy one and they just make my heart ache. It’s been too long since I’ve been up there. *weeps* George is examining Mac the Knife who tells him he has beautiful eyelashes and nice eyes. George is, of course, uncomfortable. Man, you need to learn how to take a compliment. Mac says that they’re kind and that he likes a man with kind eyes. George asks if he really thinks he has nice eyes, like any high school girl, then ‘never minds’. Mackie asks what the exam is for and George flubs around with, “Nothing. Routine medical stuff.” Mac says he’s enjoying the view, and I note the frickin’ annoying plucky music in the background. He’s gay, we get it! It’s awkward, we get it! George: “Okay, well. I gotta go.”

Meredith, Cristina and Izzie in the stairwell. John Doe is stable for now, but Cristina had a radiologist look at his chest films and he has a traumatic aortic injury and he’s going to rupture and bleed out. Are there any aortic injuries that aren’t traumatic? It’s determined that he’ll need surgery if he’s going to remain a viable organ donor. Izzie: “If he’s going to live.” Protests from the other two, but she’s not going to give up. “No. I’m not giving up on him. He has the surgery, he lives longer, that’s the point.” She goes off to help find the family and it’s Meredith and Cristina’s job to find a way to get him into surgery. I would ask if they need consent to do any sort of medical procedure, including fixing his aorta, but I’m not gonna.

Cristina: “She the vice president of Fantasyland.” Hey, then she’ll be good friends with The Ruler Of All That Is Evil. They try to figure out if they should go to Bailey for the surgery, but Cristina decides that they need to go higher than Bailey.

Burke’s peeing in the Men’s room and Meredith sticks her head in. He’s all “WTF, what do you think you’re doing?” and she backs out. Now it’s Cristina: “Dr. Burke, I know you’re… um busy, but our John Doe needs an aortic repair.” Burke asks if it’s the same guy form that morning and isn’t he legally dead. Cristina: “Well, yeah, he’s kinda still around.” She tells him that they administered ‘2 units PRBCs and put him on pressers’. He who ordered that, they duck out and back in again and Meredith says they were hers. Burke: “You gave a brain-dead John Doe a blood transfusion without consulting anyone, and now you want me to repair his heart.” “Well, yes.” “You do enjoy crossing a line don’t you?” and he almost sounds amazed. They tell him that he’s a good candidate for organ donation, and he says that he saves lives and that this guy is already dead. “Now, whip one out, or close the door.” And looking back now, I think that’s probably where Cristina/Burke might have found it’s roots, or maybe that’s just me. In any case, I’ve always loved that scene, except for the freaky music.

Derek and Meredith are making eyes at each other. She’s asking his advice and he thinks she’s chasing him now. Is that all you ever think about? You’re a freaking doctor, go practice some medicine and stop trying to get laid! Meredith isn’t amused either and tells him that this is important. He tells her that to get around Burke they need to find a way to get The Chief involved.

Georgey Porgey is eating a sandwich and The Trio stand in front of him, all backlit and glowy and quite creepy, actually. They ask how close a match Mac the Knife is to John Doe, and he’s very close, ‘same type, same size’. They ask George to go over Burke’s head to The Chief in return for giving him a spot in the organ harvest. George: “Ask me something easier.” And of course he does.

The Triplets watch George talk to The Chief, all while moaning about how Burke is going to ruin their lives. Alex pops up and also watches the exchange between George, The Chief and Burke. It’s pretty obvious that The Chief talks Burke into it, and Alex follows him off yelling, “Doctor Burke!” with the thickest accent I’ve ever heard him use on this show. In The Wedding Planner he was Italian and had a crazy thick accent for the whole movie. His slip there has always caught my attention, like “What the heck? Why is Alex all the sudden Italian?”

Alex gets in on the aortic repair, while everybody else gripes about what a crappy person he is, except Izzie, who is just happy they convinced Burke to do it. Oh, and Alex is the biggest suck up on the face of the planet, in addition to being ‘vermin’ and ‘seriously hated’. George way worried about Burke giving him hell for forever and a day. “He could kill me and make it look like an accident.” Random Nurse comes to tells us that they’ve identified John Doe and that his wife is on the way. Thanks Random Nurse!

Izzie sits with John Doe and Derek brings in a woman I presume to be his wife. She’s naturally sad, lets us know that his name is Kevin, and asks if there is still a chance that he’ll wake up. Izzie lets her down nice and easy, and brings up the topic of organ donation, which freaks out/saddens Mrs. John Doe considerably.

Mac the Knife! The Chief and George come to visit him. There’s some slightly awkward Ho!Yay between Mac and The Chief while Mac finds out that George may have found him a liver. Mackie is happy-to-the-point-of-tears and George backs out of the room.

I Won’t Be Left by Tegan and Sara starts playing. This is a good one. Alex barges into the locker/changing room and gets all up in Meredith’s grill talking about how good he smells after his stolen open surgery. It’s really creepy and on the borderline of assault, and he’s defiantly in her bubble. I’m guessing that open heart surgery doesn’t make you smell that good, which is probably one reason why Meredith grabs Alex by his scrubs and slams him against the lockers. And it’s not is a good or sexy way, it’s more like the ‘I’m ready to rip somebody’s head off’ sort of way.

Meredith: “Okay, I have more important things to deal with than you. I have roommates and boy problems and family problems. You want to act like a little fat boy bitch, that’s fine. You want to take credit for your saves, and everybody else’s? That’s fine too. Just stay out of my face. And for the record, you smell like crap.” Alex is yawning and smiling through all of this of course, because he’s an ass, and that’s what they do. And McDreamy comes in! Yay! Hi McDreamy! Meredith goes back to locker all ashamed. Alex: “She attacked me.” Shut up Alex, this show isn’t called Karev’s Anatomy (though imagine if it was ^_^) and your not going to win. Mere goes to kill him again, but Derek doesn’t want to have a mess on the floor, so he tells Alex to scoot or he “might have to let her beat him to a pulp with her tiny ineffectual fists.”

As Alex gets shoved out the door he does a little cry-baby move with his fists, which is worth mentioning because it’s funny and I didn’t notice it before now. Also worth mentioning is how extra dreamy McDreamy looks. McDreamy and Mere stare at each other for awhile before Derek asks “What?” Mere almost says something and then is all “Errm, never mind.” Jezsh, now I remember why the hell I though they were so annoying. They just stare at each other all the time and go “What? Huh? Nevermind.” Grr. You’d think two people as smart as them could at least carry on a conversation.

Meredith comes home to her roommates going through boxes of tapes of Ellis Gray’s surgeries. George wants to watch skin grafting. Mere gets all freaked and asks where all the stuff came from. Izzie: “Oh, I was upset, and when I’m upset I like to nest.” Yes! Izzie, you are totally me girl. We’re like soul sisters with the hair and the baking and the OCD-ness. Izzie finds ‘Hemapelvectomy’ which Microsoft Word doesn’t like either. GO to medical school Bill Gates! You certainly have enough money to! Mere freaks, “No. We’re not watching my mother’s surgery tapes, we’re not unpacking boxes and we’re not having long conversations where we celebrate the moments of our lives. And use a coaster.” SO, Meredith’s the angry kind of OCD. I get that. Oh, and she hates Chinese food. Food racist!

Commercials. “There’s a theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person through a chain of six people.” Oooh! I love that game! I kinda hope 6 Degrees is good, because now that Alias is over, J.J. Abrahms needs another show to put his energy towards, or else Lost may finally make sense.

Wishful Thinking by The Ditty Bops. That’s a really good one, awesome lyrics. Mere and Cristina are walking up to the hospital, drinking coffee and being non-morning people. Mere gripes about how annoying George and Izzie are by being happy. Shut up, you pessimist. Cris’ advice is to kick them out, but Mere can’t because they just moved in. And it’s more fun to bitch about it than to change the situation. I hate people like that. Cristina: “So what? You’re just going to repress everything in some deep, dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?” “Yep” “See, this is why we’re friends.”

Alex complains about being sentenced to the pit two days in a row, while Mere explains why. “Leftovers. Gotta get the cyclists who were too drunk or too scared to get themselves to a hospital yesterday.” Why would you be scared to go to a hospital? Unless you’re the kind of person who hates hospitals, in which case they wouldn’t come at all. Alex says he’s pissed that anyone but him got the organ harvest, not that two women did. Alex: “Boobs do not factor into the equation. Unless you want to show me yours.” They’re going to become lesbians. Kay then.

Cristina talks to Mrs. John Doe and Daughter John Doe about organ transplant while The Nazi stands by. She agrees to donate his major organs, like heart, lung, liver and kidneys. Cris ask if she’s willing to donate his corneas and explains that it can give someone back their sight. Ooh, like in Minority Report! Cristina is very cold through this whole thing and it’s almost hard to watch. Bailey is either sad, disappointed or both. Cris asks about his skin, which can help burn victims, but that’s past where Mrs. Jhon Doe can go at this point. She asks about the funeral and if they want her daughter to have to se eher father without skin. The words ‘closed-casket funeral’ pop into my head, but I know what state of mind she must be in. It’s understandable.

Cristina leaves, and Bailey follows her out onto the sky-bridge to teach her a valuable lesson. Cris says she can’t talk to the families of patients because she’s not a people person. I don’t see much logic in becoming a doctor if you dislike interacting with people. Scientist, yes. Doctor, no. Bailey asks the patients name which Cristina tells her in Kevin Davidson. Thanks Cris, but that don’t mean I’m gonna use it here. Bailey tells her to remember that. “Not ‘gorked guy’. Not John Doe. Kevin Davidson. Someone’s husband, someone’s son. Not a collection of body parts for you to harvest. A person. No one said this was easy.” And then like the coolest Mama Bird ever, she stares her back into the room. Let us all note the beauty of that last shot, with Cristina and Bailey in the foreground and Mrs. John Doe & Daughter in the background. That’s what glass walls are for! I’m such a sucker for good cinematography.

Mac the Knife says he owes George, but he’s just happy they found a liver. Mac invites George out for a night on the town with his new liver, but George is both not gay and not into threesomes with body parts. Mac laughs at him and never thought he was gay, but was just living vicariously since he had a death sentence. George asks why, he answers, “Because dying is a Get Out of Jail Free card. I can be as bold as I want and there’s nothing anybody can say about it.” I think it’s not so much the ‘Get Out of Jail Free’, ‘I can do anything I want because I’ve been diagnosed with something horrible’ attitude itself that bugs me so much, it’s that we can’t all live that way. Society and our own self doubt keep most people from living the life they want. And in reality, we’re all dying, some people just faster than others.

Mac asks if George has ever been attracted to someone he knew he couldn’t have, and now we’re getting to the point of George being in love with Meredith. Mac the Knife thinks it’s wonderful to be young and in love, then holds out his hands for George to take. Of course he doesn’t and it’s awkward and Mackie tells him to go get the liver while George apologizes.

Burke says he never liked harvesting because he’s a surgeon, he saves lives and harvesting means ending a life. But if you don’t harvest the organs, isn’t that potentially ending that many more lives? And, again, I don’t want to get into ethics, but I personally think that if you have the opportunity to save a half a dozen people rather than lying brain dead and letting your organs go to waste, you should take it. But that’s IMHO. Izzie leans into to John, “I know you tried, so no hard feelings, okay?.” Burke knows that she was just saying goodbye. I’m so glad they gave them more screentime together with the Denny storyline. They have a wonderful friendship dynamic. Cristina, Burke and Izzie all share looks with each other, because they all get it now.

Viper, Pretty British Dude, sits in a chair and looks like he’s going to either throw up or die and Meredith wonders what he’s doing back at the hospital. Alex thinks he probably just crashed his bike again and doesn’t know how long he’s been waiting. Mere goes to check on him and he stands up and looks even worse. Down he goes, blood coming out of his mouth, and when Meredith lifts his shirt up he has a huge, awful looking stomach wound. It’s all throbbing and bloody and it totally looks like there’s an alien about to pop out. Mere looks freaked in slo-mo. But hey, you were right! That should be good for something.

Commercials. I love that Pirates of the Caribbean Verizon commercial. It’s hilarious, especially the end.

Mayhem. Meredith has now straddled Viper on the gurney in an effort to hold closed his gaping stomach wound. Alex has his, ‘Oh shit. I was wrong.’ Look on for a second before Mere yells at him to “Push the damn gurney!” Mere swears at the elevator to move faster and it listens to her. Pop, off they go and Bailey’s all ready for them, telling Meredith to get off her patient and scrub in. Alex gets bitch-slapped to go back downstairs to the pit because he’s the “fool running around trying to show off.”

Mac the Knife is getting ready for surgery and thanks The Chief for being a good friend. You are my Joy by The Reindeer Section. Damn, why was all the Season 1 music so freaking good! Izzie and Cristina are in the prep room and Iz says she’s not going to go in because she doesn’t want to see him get taken apart. She think the other transplant surgeons are just vultures, waiting to pick him clean. Cristina is awesome. “Every last one of them represents someone, somewhere who’s going to live because of Kevin.” She hands Izzie a mask and tells her to grow a pair and put it on. Burke puts on his own mask and looks quite pretty in that lighting.

Organs are harvested as the song continues. It’s a pretty scene. Actually, this is a good place to mention that they don’t call them ‘organ harvests’ anymore, now they’re called ‘organ recoveries’. Read Stiff by Mary Roach. It’s freakn’ awesome. Mackie gets his liver. Kevin Davidson flatlines. Very cool scene. The last transplant surgeon leaves and Izzie says she’s going to stay behind to sew him up for the family. Cristina stays to helps her. Commercials.

Cristina and Izzie walk out together, but Cristina chickens out of telling Mrs. Kevin Davidson how the surgery went. Izzie lets her know that he’s ready if she’d like to see him. There’s a beautiful 10 second continuous shot that goes from Izzie, to Mrs. Davidson, to Cristina, and across the room to where Bailey and Meredith are approaching a group of people.

They asks the group of ‘lovely people’ if they belong to Viper, and a pretty chick asks if he’s okay. Bailey rants, “Is he okay? No. He hurled his body down a concrete mountain at full speed for no good reason. I know you all pierce yourselves and smoke up and generally treat your bodies like your grungy asses can’t break down hey, that’s fine. You want to kill yourselves flying down a concrete mountain, go to it. But there are other people walking, people driving, people trying to live their lives on that concrete mountain and one of them got his brains scrambled today ‘cause one of you little no good sniveling’ snot rags…” At this point we’re all officially scared and proud of her and Meredith pulls her out and away. She says that as far as she’s concerned, their friend Viper is not okay. The entire group has their patented, “WTF?” faces on, and Mere sums up, “She’s, um, really tired but Viper’s gonna make it.” They all think that’s cool and thank her.

Meredith goes back to the locker room and McDreamy finds her there. Wow, haven’t seen him in awhile. Oh. Fools Like Me by Lisa Loeb plays. Derek: “It’s not he chase.” “What.” “You and me. It is not the thrill of the chase.” He says it’s because of her tiny, ineffectual fists. Oh, and her hair. It’s interesting that he says fists first, before hair. I’m not sure how I would feel if a guy told me he liked my fists. He also like that’s she very bossy because it keeps him in line. Ah… I’m not even going to go there. She says that she’s still not going to go out with him. Derek: “You say that now.” And he leaves and Mere smiles to herself because she’s in love with him.

Mac the Knife wakes up and The Chief tells him that the surgery went well, which means Mac will have to quit smoking. The Chief leaves and George steps up and puts his hand on Mac’s. “Mac: “The pretty ones always come crawling back.” And George is okay with that and puts his other hand up.

Mere VO: “There’s another way to survive this competition, a one no one ever seems to tell you about. You have to learn for yourself. Number 5, it’s not about the race at all. There are no winners or losers. Victories are counted by the number of lives saved.” Mere looks in on Viper’s room, which is filled with his racing buddies, taking pictures, holding up a new bike wheel. He spots her and give a smile and a little head nod, which she returns and giggles at. You know who Viper reminds me of? David Tennant. Or maybe that’s just because I’ve been watching to much Doctor Who lately.

Seattle skyline, so pretty. Meredith walks into her house to find Izzie, George and Cristina drinking beer and watching an Ellis Gray Surgery Tape. They all sit up, George blames it on Cristina, who gives him a hilarious look, and they’re all prepared for her to completely freak like she did before. VO: “And once in awhile, if you’re smart, the life you save could be your own.” She smile and asks what they’re watching, because nothing puts you in a good mood like saving pretty English boys and they sit and have a merry time together watching someone’s face almost being pulled off. Good times. I do that with my friends every weekend too.


So! Tell me what you think! Flame me, love on me, tell me I'm not funny, give me suggestions, whatever. Just please don't get anrgy at my and tell me I'm copying Televison Without Pity. I know I am. I think it's an awsome website and I'm a huge fan of it, and that's mostly the reason I did this in the first place. I just wanted to see how it was, if I could do it. So let me hear what you think about it!

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