Mar 19, 2005 17:34
Past couple of days have been a okay.
Ridge Cheer-We had a meeting about tryouts. Only ONE standing backhandspring is reqired. along with a round off backhandspring. And you have to do it on the wood. Well looks like I am gunna be on JV again because there is no way I will tumble on the wood in my lifetime. Well maybe junior year. I don't really wanna be on varsity. I already am getting my letter so it doesn't really matter. Lots of girls are trying out. Sheree's sister is! YES I love her.
YMCA Cheer-Its ok. The other guy there (Nick) spots me weird. Today I decided to tumble really fast. It was fun. Travis (a hott guy that works there) was teaching his class and Tess goes nice spoting Travis since he was just standing there and he was like they aren't cheerleaders so they don't need spots. And I was all hahah Tess and he was all Ashley that goes for you too and then he did this laugh, and I did it back and he just stood there and went umhm. I told him.
Then I got hit in the face by Megan. And then Tess bit my hand.
well peace.