This is kind of fun. Plus, it made me update my interests, which I needed to do.

Sep 24, 2005 16:35

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bass clarinet:
    Yeah. I'm not in concert band this year, which sucks. Because I totally love the instrument. If you're ever randomly listening to MB20's "Back to Good," listen for the bass clarinet part in it.
  2. camp:
    Camp in general is a good thing. Makes the summer what it is.
  3. crayons:
    Duh. Crayons rock. I think of the world in terms of a Crayola box of 96. And I own a 16 pack of crayola twistable crayons. I love them very much.
  4. garden state:
    Like it says in the profile, it's my favorite movie that I've never seen. Rawr I love Zach Braff and I have a girl crush on Natalie Portman.
  5. jazz dance:
    Um... not as good as Modern Dance. It was fun when I could keep up.
  6. mckay's:
    Cheap books. Cheap Music. Cheap DVD's. The apex of Ktown.
  7. myself:
    Yes, it's true. I love myself. I just can't get around it. I'm a generally happy person (sometimes), open to the idea of loving others. And as I thoroughly believe, you can only truly love others if you first love yourself.
  8. procrastination:
    Okay. This is a stretch. I don't enjoy procrastination. But I am a victim of it.
  9. sharpies:
    Silver are best, but I have 12 colored ones too.
  10. summer rain:
    Goes along with the screen name. It's the best kind.

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