(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 22:55


-no dvd/cd sent from sweet little Illinois has arrived yet. like i say, the postal lady pilfered it.

-gorgeous GORGEOUS fall day. with sunshine even. with the kind of breeze that is fresh and new and sweet and delicious. i actually had sunshine rest on my skin for about 10 minutes at lunch. fab.

-my good friend Hope from work is dressing up with her boyfriend for Halloween. they will be going as the guys from "dick in a box" and have worked a little magic with cardboard boxes, fake mustaches and paper machie. not all box contents were created equal. Hope will heartily sing all the lyrics to you at a moments notice when prompted.

-i got my FIRST EVER BUSINESS CARDS TODAY. :) with my name on them, "BA of Applied Interior Design", and they say "Interior Designer" on them along with the very officious architectural firms logo and address. i'm sending a clutch to my papa in the mail. :) he will be so proud.

-just got back from a "Poetry Slam" up at UBC with my roommate and her jewish drama queen friend from Toronto. was regretting not bringing my trusty audio recorder because these people were brilliant. spinning, twisting, merging words and allusions, cutting it down to the rawest bones of bravery, tweaking inflections and near explosiveness and drawing you softly in... to the end. :) it was cool. and the ciders were $2! :D

-have to part with my creative zen, which many of you know was a 30gig video and audio mp3 birthday present from my parents from just 3 months ago. and it's the one that josh scrawled his signature on and beamed at me when i asked him if he would sing with bjork. and it's the one that rusty sniffed. (lol rusty) and it's broken. :/ it fritzes when i try to play the video... which just doesn't give much value to the $200 pricetag. so i will have to send it in for them to fix. my poor baby. be well! come back safe to me! *strokes it*
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