contest for cosmetology

Feb 08, 2007 19:11

today was contest and it was pretty good.
in the beginning i wasn't too proud of anything i'd done and i barely studied for the test.
i studied a tiny bit last night and it paid off perfectly! like, everything i went over was on the test!
it was easy.
so i did that, and then i did my acrylics...
i was behind and getting a lil discouraged because i looked over at the girl next to me and she was amazing!!
then we did the silk and they were going alright but i was still behind in time, but luckily i finished them!
they looked alright... i had a hard time with little things like random bumps because the glue fell to the side... and my acrylics were really wide.
so i had lunch with kaylee and kirsten and that was a good break from nails but i felt bad that grace had to stay in and get judged...she was my nail model.
so i came back and we had to paint the nails
they gave us a base coat and a pretty red color to put on the acrylics and i was going to do my nail art on the silk nails.
we had a long time to do everything luckily because it took FOREVER to dry my nail art.
i was trying to put my top coat on and smeared it a lil bit but luckily it wasn't too bad.
the competition was pretty good so i didn't have high hopes
we waited until judging was over and hair was done...
the updos were really cool and so were the facials
i really liked the girls from my schools updos
our class was the one that won the most awards
we went to the awards ceremony and waited, kaylee was really nervous and wanted to place really badly
unfortunately she didn't
i was the first name called for 6th place in nails
so that was good enough for me! =] i'm suprised i even placed
it made everything i did worth it because i thought i had done a real crappy job
we won a lot of places in facials... jena got 1st place in hair in high school
angel won 1st place in out of high school
erin and carrie got 1st and 2nd in nails for out of high school which i knew they would because both of theirs were AMAZING!!!
the girl next to me (her name was taylor) got 2nd place in high school
morgan got 2nd place in facial
lauren got 4th in hair
so it was really cool =] we had a lot of people that placed
the day was fun
my nail art was called lava lamp =P haha

kaylee and me at lunch

kirsten and kaylee =]

waiting for the results...

you should have seen the back, it was really cool

cosmo contest

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