Aug 19, 2011 00:41
You are being watched, I am being watched. All the time. Not necessarily in an active way but everything we do is taped, stored, tabulated and processed. shopping habits, phone conversations, where you go on the web. Everything.
And this scares me or perhaps scare is not the word, it disturbs me.
We all of us are so used to the idea that it seem everyday, no big deal. We just accept it and live with it mostly. I dont want this, I want to be able to go and do as I wish without being monitored and data-banked.
If you have paid attention, you will have noticed that anyone that complains about this or desires freedom from it loudly enough gets called a crank, a nutter, an aluminum hat wearing loon.
The powers that be have arranged things so that when someone does speak up no one takes them seriously. I do not in fact believe anymore that democracy and justice exists, just bread and circuses to keep our minds off what is happening.
Protests are quashed ruthlessly by black suited riot cops who time and again really over react and we know they are over reacting because anyone trying to record the events gets targeted or shoved outside the kettle and isolated. G-20 in Toronto and the anti police brutality protests here in Montreal last year for example
I am not saying things are terrible, folks in the middle east have it way worse than we do but I do want you to understand that the line between what we have and what they have is very thin and could we really do anything about it anyways? I suspect anything we might do is already illegal or soon enough will be.
Then again "V for Vendetta" was just a fictional story, right?