Jan 28, 2014 20:41
Been over a year hiatus, don't all perform a standing ovation or gasp for breath just yet.
All is well with my life. Living in my own place with my girlfriend for over a year now (the status of GF will most likely change to fiancé status shortly). Still at the old work but it has DRASTICALLY improved. People who needed to be let go were let go, and now I live a fairly stress free life with a manager who is competent and isn't looking for a scapegoat to pin his incompetence on.
twirling that around a bit further. A lot has changed in my hobby environment too. My local GW has since closed shop but I have 2 very decent homebrew stores that popped up. While my time is split between the two, unfortunately, my hobby days have been few and far between. Last year I managed to complete a 2.5k Ogre Kingdom army and am currently, slowly, working on a SteamPunk themed Slaanesh army. Fit with leather body suits and tesla weaponry as proxy for noise weaponry. I think I have gone beyond the mundane 'finish it' stage of my hobby life and gone to extremes making things precise.
On to different news. In order to supplement my hobby further, as well as eliminate my ever increasing stash of outdated, unused, and forgotten paraphernalia from various hobby genres in the past, I have been diligently working on an ebay sale company for over 2 months and have been pretty successful so far. CBF Hobbies would be what to look for.