gretzilla tagged me to do a 5 weird habits thing on December 17th. Because I am so prompt and whatnot, I hurried up and did it!
1. Many times if I'm not thinking about it, I breath rhythmically. Like... I'll be thinking of a song in my head and I'll take my breaths as if they were the notes of the song. Back when I was a kid, my parents used to seriously think I was having horrible breathing difficulties or something and I could never explain exactly what it was I was doing.
2. While I was never one to keep things tidy when I was growing up (my room was often a horrific disaster), for some reason I absolutely despise playing video games in my room when it's messy. I feel a compulsive urge to tidy and straighten and make everything as it should be before I feel comfortable sitting in front of the TV. What's bizarre is that this doesn't apply to sitting on the internet or watching TV or anything.
3. I stay to the end of the credits at nearly every movie I ever see in the theater. It's part of the film as a whole package, so why not? If I were directing movies, there would *always* be something after the credits, and possibly during them. I think this is why I was always so obsessed with the opening and ending credits being somewhat interesting and unique when we made movie projects in high school.
4. Whatever clock is being used as my alarm clock is always set a few minutes fast, because that way when it wakes me up at the time I'm supposed to get up, I can hit the snooze button a few extra times and feel like I'm getting away with sleeping in.
5. To this day, every time I go into a hotel, for some reason I'm inspired to imagine how I could apply its design to a Lego building. I don't know WHY I even think of it all the time... I haven't played with my Legos (except the ones from
casey and
gretzilla last year) for maaaaany years. Someday I must again, though!
Okay, some of those were really lame. Deal.