Here he is, ladies and gentlemen! The star of this legacy James Mccoy with his best friend, Edith McCoy in the back ground!
Oh what, you want some humans? Fine.... fine...
This is my real legacy founder!
... until she starved to death crying because her husband had burned to death. And both cats had fleas.
Here we go everyone! Talia McCoy, the founder that did NOT die in her first couple if days. She is a adventurous, animal loving, frugal cook who will someday sculpt (as in after she retires so I can drag more money out of her).
Talia moved into St. Claire (the best custom world I've ever seen!) along with stolen households of single sims. Will she find love? Will she get a good job? Well she better because we need to get this legacy going.
Edith and James. Half the reason I have so few pictures for this first update is because I love these two a lot and will ignore the humans just to watch the cats pee or sleep.
The place the whole family moved into. Of course at first there was NO furniture (that's what I get for forcing Talia to move into a three bedroom apartment) and so she ate on the bathtub for a night or two.
No matter where I went one or both Bird sisters would be there. And if Talia was home for the night? One would come on over just to hang out.
James and Edith wouldn't sleep on the bed or couch.
So I sent them out to get money for the family. James had extreme luck and caught a lot of rare animals. I ended up selling them all and getting tons of money. Most of that money was put into cat beds and food.
Oh hai Oriole, fancy seeing you here.
Well you're good looking. Talia's not getting any younger, and you've been stalking her for days now.
The best wedding is the one spent looking like a hooker and an hour right after your wife decided to fall in love with you.
Welcome to the family Oriole, have fun taking care of babies for the rest of your life!
For those who don't know her, Oriole is clumsy, absent-minded, easily impressed, lucky, and will swipe anything not bolted down (and a few things which are).
Good: The McCoys got a TON of money from the marriage and James being a fluffy killer, so they moved lots into a giant house.
Cons: Another cat. This one likes to wake people up in the middle of the night and to destroy anything the family might need.
I hate the little snot.
I gave Oriole a makeover but made sure that her outfits are still a tad stupid looking. It's an extra trait with her to have on ugly clothing.
This maid? She left a booby trap in the computer, the couch, and the shower. I didn't manage to get a cap of any of them because I was too busy attempting to fire her. Of course Oriole kept forgetting what she was doing so it didn't work.
Have fun Ms. Maid. I will find a way to pay you back some day.
Baby is on the way!
The wives share clothing and Talia uses James to train her for the baby.
You think I'm kidding?
And yes... I might be bias towards James in this house.
Who would have guessed that all that jumping around would have the baby come?
Babyhood was boring, mostly because I was too busy attempting to keep the cats from killing themselves from not eating. I have no clue why, all three bowls were filled.
Maybe they knew a new favorite was now in the house?
This is Helena McCoy. She managed to roll genius and athletic. I need to make another baby just because she's so perfect I'm worried that she might be boring.