Pretty straight 6 day weekend

Feb 23, 2005 00:10

Wednesday I go to school and Dr. Schaffer asks if anyone knew where Schlactman's office was and I said I knew and she made me get her coffee. I had to walk slowly through the hallway to bring that hot cup to class. Then I saw a bit of A Beautiful Mind and someone walks in and gives me a note from the office calling me down. Turns out Bob gave my decal to Romina and Mina backed up into her. So me, Bob, and Romina all lost parking privileges. That day I failed mad tests and hear Catalina's story of her accident and having the same officer as me. Then me and Kyle killed some time and went to Social Honor Society meeting. I hear about Donnie abdicating his officer position because of drugs. Then I just walk out of the meeting before they took group pictures for yearbook. I Ate dinner with Kyle's family and hear how ghetto his dad is growing up in the south side of Chicago.

Thursday I got dropped off at school and went to the South Wood table and they started sniffing me while I was on the phone with bob. Me and Bob rode from school with Billy and chilled at Bob's house and met up with TJ and Romina. We got fucked up all day till I get call from my mom telling me to come home right away. She was trippin the fuck out interrogating everyone in the car, mad funny. I sat her down and talked mad shit and got her to chill. Then my home boy Kyle got his heart broken so he had to go party so we went that night to Lucy’s and Armans and got faded.

Friday watched 1/2 of Rounders and went to Alex Garcia's and lost my last 10$. Then went home and watched poker shows with Kyle.

Saturday I capped a camera phone then went to warren's house and turned 20$ I borrowed from parents into 71$. Then I watched the forgotten, trippy movie.

Sunday shoulda gotten 80$ profit in a game but instead got 40$. Then I stayed up to the wee hours with Ivan Kyle and my sis.

Monday Bob TJ and Eric came and smoked fire bud. Kyle came and we rode to warren's and I gained 2$ more but then lost some that night to my sis's nub friends.

Tuesday I went to see the doctor and gave blood and pee sample. Then bob and TJ came to my crib and smoked me out to salvia which was lame but w/e. Its okay, I just smoked out.

Hit me up if you wanna party :p
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