Horse Stuff

Mar 12, 2014 09:02

I need a new icon of Hubby.

So, I have picked a tentative goal for Hubby and I this year. I want to explore the world of endurance with him. Nothing too extreme, probably just the 25mile options, but still more than we've done as yet. With this in mind, I have plans to go to an endurance race with a new friend. I'm not bringing him yet, I want to take the first weekend excursion to learn what it's like and what it's all about.

Naturally, as soon as I come up with this plan I have a riding accident. I took Hubby back into the back field for some higher energy action. He always carries himself better in that grass and uses more of his back than in the arena. So, we're cantering around the perimeter, and he's being good. He didn't put up much of a fight about continuing around instead of turning to head back to the barn and I was pretty pleased. We were at the far end and he was coming in to the turn a bit hot though, and I started asking him to slow down for it a bit. Normally, he listens and takes it a bit slower, but just then he decided he didn't NEED to slow down. Instead, he tried to power through it.
Mistake. I started to get a little out of balance struggling to slow him down, and that's when he hit the turn. His feet went out from under him and both horse and rider hit the ground. We both landed on our left shoulders, but with the landing my head whipped down and hit the ground pretty hard, bouncing back up. I saw a flash of stars and assumed I'd have a form of whiplash to my neck from it. Hubby got up and I think glanced back at me slowly getting to my feet before he took off at a gallop for the barn. He's fine, no soreness or bruising.
One benefit of boarding Hubby is that I am almost never out there completely alone. As soon as Hubby went racing past the house to the barn, the manager's husband Bert got in his Jeep and came out to get me. He found me trudging back grimly determined to get my horse, get back on and do a little more work lest he think he can get me out of the saddle and quit whenever he wants.

Let me tell you, that hurt.

In fact, because the ER doctor did a CT scan and said I did not have a concussion, I went back out on Sunday to ride. I managed about 15-20 minutes before the pain got to me. I dismounted and had him lunging for another 20-25 minutes before calling it a day. By the time I got home my head was splitting in pain. Some of that might have been the Tramodol the doctor prescribed. I was still in that kind of agony the next morning and into the afternoon. I decided not to take the tramodol anymore and stick with Goody's powder. The headache eased as the Tramodol left my system.

Now I am simply allowing the soft tissue of my neck to heal. I am likely to go to the barn tonight, it was raining this morning, but it may be another lunging session rather than ride.

I sure hope I can manage to not hurt myself so much for a while. This injury compounding injury thing is for the birds.
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