Oct 14, 2012 21:15
Maybe not "old" as in "decrepit" but certainly no longer in the bloom of youth. I'm finding my 40's to be a mix of awesome and a bit of annoyance at my body's determination to not be as pliable and resilient as once it was. Such is the process of aging, I suppose.
Yesterday, a friend and I carpooled out to a lovely retreat in the hills where we met up with a small(ish) group of friends who were camping out up there. The dogs came along, and despite a few moments of confusion and a definite lack of street signs or names for a good bit of the way, we somehow managed to find it. One wrong turn a block away from the group netted us a pleasant conversation and some directions from the property owner's mother. Apparently we were the only ones that didn't wind up calling for more directions. The mojo is strong with us! The dogs had an absolute blast running around, scarfing dropped food, begging a few treats and generally being country dogs for the afternoon. Both slept most of the way home, contented critters. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and evening, wrapping it up with good conversation and a very, very full belly.
On the equine front, Hubby is amazing me more and more lately. Thursday he went into the trailer. Ok, he was following his dinner, and it went bad soon after when he jerked his head up, banged it on a bar (the one that would stop him going into the tack room area) and naturally backed immediately out of the horse-eating trailer, but he got in it once and still got half in it again to finish his dinner. I couldn't quite get him to bring those back feet back in, but I took what I got at that point. I've asked the barn manager and the dressage instructor to help work with him on it. I think I'm going to invest in some pipe insulation foam to wrap those bars in though, to maybe make them a little less evil should he smack against one again.
Lastly, I was offered a ticket to a Parelli workshop Halloween weekend. I may just have to do it. I'm not an anti-any training method that works. I'm all about doing what works.
I'm still slowly working on the story. I have some ideas on where it's going, but I am having trouble writing this next bit. I'm trying to find that balance in approach to Walter and Jenny's meeting. I know what the result is, it's getting them there that's taking some time. I may be over-thinking it. Dragging out what can be summed up quickly. I don't know. I'm trying to keep a balance between enough background/explanation/description and too much while keeping the interactions plausible. Setting up a blind date to go to an admittedly awful movie seems to require a little background.