May 03, 2010 14:35
So I've been doing some thinking about my spiritual life lately. I really don't know how connected to the terms "witch" and "pagan" anymore. Over the past few years I've been attracted to various paths and have tried to practice them all separately, which has took alot of time, effort, and energy. A few months ago, I began to realize that with me splitting up my time and energy between all of the traditions, I wasn't getting much of anything out of ANY of them. So I'm taking a step back. I'm putting all of my spiritual energy into one religion, and it doesn't happen to be a pagan one. So that means I'm not taking any more courses in any witchcraft trad, and I'm pretty much done with group stuff, for the time being.
I don't know how this is going to work out in a big way, because I still identify personally as pagan. It's a worldview and mindset that I strongly resonate with overall, even if i don't plan on celebrating sabbats and casting circles anymore, at least while I'm deeply and exclusively engaged in this new-old religion. I also hope to keep my pagan friends and associates while I go through this time.
Also, I hope to eliminate some of the people and associated bad feelings I have towards certain pagan folks, by staying out of that scene. Enough said on THAT lol. And I'm also moving from MI this summer. So ..yeah...big change.
BTW, no detail is missing from this post by accident. Trust me