Wow. I really can't believe I'm getting married. I was talking to my friends about it, like Aimme yesterday. I totally didn't expect to meet the love of my life at 20. It happened like when everyone says it does: unexpectedly. I feel blessed. I can't believe I'll be all dressed in white and walking down the aisle towards him. He's mine. I want to cry. I swear I can sense him everywhere even though I don't see him.
Soon I'll be moving to California too. Different coast. Different Lifestyle. Different people. Awesomeness. And I have a car. Score! I can't wait but I'm extremly frightened because it is different. At least I have Marc to snuggle with every day. I want to hold the big guy and love on him. mmm
I'll miss all my family and friendsa lot. Why can't you guys fly out there with me? California is fun. It's beautiful. It's a land of dreams. Where everyone goes to be something, but not everyone makes it. I have a feeling I'll make out just fine.
I love you all!!!
shhh I know I'm short. I even look like a midget here. But I'm 5'0 and a 1/2, damnit!!!!!!!!!!!