State of the Muses meme

Feb 25, 2010 20:30

Yoinking this from everyone ever!

Character: Depth Charge / scalyfishman 
Series: Transformers: Beast Wars
Character Strength: ♫ ♫ ♪  _ / I'm... starting to worry about DC, actually. I love playing him, but I'm not sure that he isn't starting to stagnate. It really helps that he's got such a great roommate, and I'm hoping having Autobots to bounce off of is going to revive him a little. Hopefully. Plus, I'm planning a canon review.
Cast Strength: _ _ _ _ _  /  A-are there any Beast Wars RPers out there? At all? I might have seen a Rattrap or a Dinobot floating around a while back, but I think I'm going to be pretty much alone at damned for now. X3
Plotting Capabilities: ♫ ♫ _ _ _ / If I relied on him plotting ICly he would probably never meet anyone ever. As above, I'm worried I'm starting to run out of things for him to actually do. :( 
Likelihood of Drop: ♫ ♫ ♪ _ _ / It's a horrible possibility, but he's not going without a fight, damnit!

Character: Kibitoshin / bitpartgod 
Series: Dragon Ball Z/ Dragon Ball GT
Character Strength: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ / It's slightly worrying that my head-full-of-nothing character is easiest for me to write. XD He's just so fun and silly and cute to write, and he's got some really great CR right now. Plus, I love inflicting horrible things and people on him. I'm a horrible person.
Cast Strength: _ _ _ _ _ / Since Ani dropped Trunks a while back, he's gone back to being the loneliest Hitting Things and Loud Noises anime character in the Institute. Which... should be fun when he finally realises that, because he'll probably flip even more than usual. BUT I'D STILL LIKE A CAST. ;A;
Plotting Capabilities: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ _ / Again, Kibitoshin's surprisingly easy to  plot for, even if he's usually too terminally ditzy to do it ICly. I can usually find stuff for him to do and people for him to meet, and even if I can't he's the easiest character for me to throw at random people.
Likelihood of Drop:  _ _ _ _ / I haven't tortured him nearly enough for that~

Character: Heinrich Lunge / herr_inspektor 
Series:  Monster
Character Strength: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ _ / Lunge's always going to be pretty tough to write just because he's so bloody clever, but I'm coping with him fairly well right now. Working through his logic is actually kind of fun for me, in a totally lame, need-to-get-out-more way. XD
Cast Strength: ♫ _ _ _ _ / I really, really need to beg convince Sue to app Tenma at damned . O-or anyone. There seriously need to be more Monster RPers out there, dude.
Plotting Capabilities: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ / Thank goodness for logical, sensible, curious characters. Since his default mode is pretty much MUST INVESTIGATE NOW he's pretty easy to plot with.
Likelihood of Drop:  _ _ _ _ / I'll have to burn out of this one, seriously. He's stupidly good fun to play.


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