Re: Diculous

Mar 01, 2006 18:41

So....I totally had no class today and I'm beginning to seriously reconsider my value to society because I do nothing but eat, sleep and shit. I tried to cut my hair, but their was a mishap with a beard trimmer and now I look sort of absurd, but whatevs. So that basically shot my day and even though I finished the Summoner's Tale and my journal entries, I feel utterly useless and didn't accomplish even a small fraction of the things that I set out to do today. I'm pretty sure that I will just end up homeless and drunk, but that's fine because at least I won't have a car to pollute. And I probably won't use electricity and stuff since I won't have a home...

However, I shall be home soon! Milwaukee, get fucking pumped for Spring Break '06. It will be rocktastic, and maybe I'll get out of my funk.

Let's blame the Norman invasion, the weather, sleeping in and anything else we can pin our problems on but ourselves.

Dually yours,
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