The live journal of Diane lives!
Today was alright. I was fairly pissed when I opened a bottle of Snapple just a few minutes ago. It’s ‘trivia fact’ stated: Antarctica is the only country that does not have any native snakes or reptiles…duh? Everybody knows that! I’m so ticked off, I love learning completely random things and always look forward to reading the facts! This has by far been the most disappointing time that I have ever opened a bottle of Snapple. Highly, highly disappointed.
Today I got dismissed early as Tileston told people to hold up their pencils. Now today was the first time I’ve never had a pencil because I brought my back pack around today and put it in there, so I was saved!! Hmm maybe I’m starting to have a little bit more luck now…Then I went to the doctors and then they made me get my blood drawn. After the guy took off the gauze it (sort of) gushed and he said, “oops! A little leak there!” and it was just funny. Now I know a lot of people would have been upset at that point, like my mom gasped, but I laughed and said it was ok. So I sort of want to be a doctor now, but I still really want to be a lawyer. I think I’m going to join the Peace Corps.
Alexa dropped of some mighty fine dresses today to for JUNIOR PROM. I’m so excited; it’s going to be such a fun time!! And after party is going to be great because all the people going are awesome! So now I just have to figure out about rides and such, we might take a limo! Ahhh I’m so excited, hopefully it will be as fun as last year, and hopefully we’ll stay the entire time.
Now I’m trying to avoid doing my government research paper, which we had less than 20 days to do and indoor is time consuming, as well as band and life has really sucked lately, soo I’m really behind. It’s not like anyone else has started yet anyway though.
Tonight I’m going to ms. Lauren’s house avec the lovely sandy , jack, jd, and sarah miller for a parrrrtay! Haha a “WHBWS” party. (can’t say it).
And that’s it!
I found this picture, it made me happy...a night of apples to apples and cheap suits from a thrift store