I fucking hate people

Dec 03, 2007 18:08

"You're engaged and he didn't give you a diamond?" She gives me the most incredulous look.

A solitaire would get caught on stuff at work, and besides I hate diamonds." I returned, nonchalantly.

"You HATE DIAMONDS??' looks at me as though I were a retard. 'Why would anyone hate diamonds?"

I proceed to explain about the misery and suffering of Africans who get only $2.00 for a big diamond which might take a week of digging in the mud to find.

"Well they should go get real jobs then."

I proceed to explain that there are no other jobs.

"They should move"

"Good plan." At which point I simply walk away.

Yes, diamonds are sparkly, but I prefer other stones. Maybe if the people of Africa start to earn a fair wage for the labor they give for these stones I would consider buying, or accepting one as a gift. Until the free trade diamond becomes a reality, I will not buy or accept a new diamond. The ones my Nana keeps giving me are another matter because they are heirlooms.

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