May 28, 2010 21:35
Please, feel free to apply for a fandom or original character! The moderator will attempt to reply to applications promptly, but it may take more than a day due to various reasons in real life and out. Please be patient, but if you haven’t heard from the moderator in five days, then feel free to leave a message asking about the application. Even we forget things sometimes!
As a note, there has been a discussion about the wait time to reapply for applications that have been previously rejected. You now must wait two weeks before reapplying.
NAME: [Your name.]
AGE: [Your age.]
LJ: [Your lj.]
AIM: [Your aim.]
EMAIL: [Your email.]
NAME: [Character‘s full name.]
AGE: [If the age is unknown, just give us the approximate age.]
FANDOM: [The series you are taking him/her from. If it is an original character, just say so!]
TIMELINE: [What chapter/episode you are taking your character from.]
HISTORY: [Give us a link to your character‘s history. This can be from wikia, wikipedia, et cetera.]
PERSONALITY: [At least three paragraphs here, folks. We want to feel that you have a good grasp on your character.]
FIRST PERSON: [A communicator post on the SOAR network.]
THIRD PERSON: [This is your prose sample. Give us at least three paragraphs on your character’s reaction to the city or something that has happened to them in canon. Alternatively, you could link us to three posts you have done with this character if you have played him/her before.]
NAME: [Your name.]
AGE: [Your age]
LJ: []
AIM: [Your aim.]
EMAIL: [Your email.]
NAME: [Character‘s full name.]
AGE: [If the age is unknown, just give us the approximate age.]
FANDOM: [The series you are taking him/her from. If it is an original character, just say so!]
TIMELINE: [What chapter/episode you are taking your character from.]
HISTORY: [Give us a link to your character‘s history. This can be from wikia, wikipedia, et cetera.]
PERSONALITY: [At least three paragraphs here, folks. We want to feel that you have a good grasp on your character.]
FIRST PERSON: [A communicator post on the SOAR network.]
THIRD PERSON: [This is your prose sample. Give us at least three paragraphs on your character’s reaction to the city or something that has happened to them in canon. Alternatively, you could link us to three posts you have done with this character if you have played him/her before.]