The Stark Legacy 1.1

Jan 27, 2013 14:26

Happy Sunday!

Last time on the Stark Legacy, Hannah got a job as a test subject and was violent towards a teen named Bob. And that's about it really, it was a short ass entry. If I want to reach an heir poll before I die of old age I'm going to have to have more shit happen each chapter. So, goal for this time, find ourselves a baby daddeh.

Because she went to bed so early Hannah woke up about 4 hours before she had to go to work, so I sent her to the catacombs because I'd heard you can find diamonds etc. in there and she really needed the money

No diamonds. She just found this. Super -_- I was going to name him Tyrion but I didn't like his expression, so everyone, meet Joffery the Gnome. Maybe he'll turn out to be a good guy, who knows

Oh hell to the no. She got a bill on her first day of living there. Thus reducing funds to 22 simoleons. I told myself when I started this there were going to be no gifts from Great Auntie Motherlode, but damn this guy made it hard.

Postman: I must go now, my planet needs me.
Yeah you better run. Run home to your vegetables.

She then got wishes to buy a computer and throw a party. Woman, you have 22 simoleons and eat your meals on the toilet, you need to set your sights a bit lower. After work I decided Hannah needed to take a new tack with this man malarky and just start going door to door asking for love. Because why not

Last time I was recommended to look for someone called Sherman Bagley, so off we go.
Hannah: Look at his house! If he likes me can I just live here?

WOAH WOAH WOAH WHO THE HELL IS THIS? This better be his sister. Did story progression get to Sherman first? She has the same last name as him.

Hannah: Ummm. Hi.

Well that was awkward. She let Hannah in though so it's all good

Hannah: Sherman Bagley? Is that you? Come here, I want your genes

Hannah: Don't play hard to get Sherman Bagley.


Did I get trolled?

Oh wait. That's "Ma Bradley" apparently

THIS is Sherman Bagley. And oh yes, he'll do just fine.

Sherman: *I should get her number*
Hannah: *I should take him to bed*
Also Rhoda, standing there in the background, creeping. We see you.

Don't try to hide.

Hannah: You know, I really like sandwiches.
Just reel him in Hannah, reel him in.

Sherman: Me too! Do you like the colour blue?
This is thrilling stuff.

Hannah: I LOVE THE COLOUR BLUE. We have so much in common

Hannah: So, are you single? I noticed th crazy ady by the fence watching us, is she...?

Sherman: My sister. I'm single.


He then immediately ran off to get a drink from his mother for some reason. Treat em mean keep em keen I suppose..

Go Hannah go! The alcohol will tip things in your favour.

Hannah: So...Sherman...

I wonder what he's thinking about.


You need to go to work tommorow, it's time to go.
Hannah: Can't I just stay here?
You met the guy an hour ago, don't be easy.

Hook line and sinker.

Hannah: Well at least I've got you to talk to, Joffery.

Hannah: Screw you Joffery.

Hannah invited Sherman over after work the day after.
Don't look so worried, he needs to see your abode sooner or later.,

He immediately started doing the recycling. Ok Sherman. Whatever floats your boat.

Don't be shy or anything.

...Why are you in your underwear?

Ohhh I see

Hannah: Can we have some privacy please?
No. I'm listening for the baby music.

I couldn't be having Hannah as a single mother, so I moved Sherman in,here he is after his makeover. Look at those arms. Their children are going to be gorgeous.

He's neat (explains the recycling), a coward, lucky, friendly and good. I've never seen the 'good' trait before, and it's very sweet, he keeps getting wishes to give money to charity, despite their shitty living situation. He wants to be a dynamic DNA profiler.

And with the money he brought I built them a teeny tiny house. It's still empty inside but at least it has a roof.


Hannah: SERIOUSLY? IS NOTHING SACRED? At least let me vomit in private!
No. I know the reason. I am enjoying your suffering

Sure enough, the next day, the preggo sundress of success makes an appearance.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Now go tell Sherman.

Hannah: Sherman! You know when we woohooed in a field? Well...I'm pregnant!

Sherman: Really!? OMAGAWD.

Sherman: Well in that case, we are going to do things properly!

Sherman: Marry me?

Cute hugs are cute.
You may notice the TV keeps moving around. I can't find a place to put it where it won't get in the way of m screenshots.

They don't have enough money for a big fancy party so I sent them to the gazebo at the park to get married. She did that "Duhhh" face the whole way through, it must be the hormones, I don't know.

Kid: Did I just see a shotgun wedding?

They spent the whole next day just watching TV, until I looked away for one second and...

What's wrong? Did you forget to wash the dishes or something? (It's all he does)


Don't just stand there you ingrates, go to the hospital!

And on that bombshell ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to end this chapter (cliffhangers, hooray!) I think it's safe to say a lot more has happened than in the last one. Same as last time, if you've got any tips or suggestions let me know and I'll try to incorporate them.


sims 3 legacy

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