The Stark Legacy 2.1

Feb 26, 2013 23:20

Look, I tried. I know people have probably seen it, I know it's irrelevant but as this is a sort of Game of Thrones themed legacy, I can't not post the new trailer. It's too glorious, GAH I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN COPE. Even the thumbnail is epic, I want all pictures of me to be in front of a burning city while I look like I do not give a single fuck.

image Click to view

33 DAYS. Again, not that I'm counting.

Back to the point, last time, Kaiden was declared heir, got his girlfriend knocked up and got married (eventually)

When the game loaded up this morning after eleventy billion hours I saw Kaiden had the wish to buy a waterslide, which I am 100% on board with.

Everyone immediately ran outside to play with it.
I will put flowers and shit outside one day, I promise. I suck at architecture.

Oh Sherman.
Sherman: Think of the running costs!

He got over it though.
Sherman: It's fun and encourages cleanliness!

I just want to take a moment to appreciate how HAWT Ashley is. Seriously, dat stomach.

Ashley: Dad, are you watching? Dad! DAD YOU'RE NOT WATCHING.

Good wish Kaiden, keep it up.

I also had a slight nerdgasm from the fact that this picture lines up with the one above as though they continue on. Totally intentional, I swear.

A not so good wish, this one. LET IT GO HANNAH, I'm not sacrificing the heir poll for your empty nest syndrome.

Which I'm about to make 100 times worse by kicking out Ashley. =( There's just not enough space for her.

Before she left I got her a goodbye gift. She called it Smiler (cause she can do that). I hope she doesn't violate him.
I'm actually going to miss her a lot, at first I thought she was the token boring kid in the generation, but she turned out to be pretty awesome.

Ashley: See you later losers.

I then stopped mourning and immediately converted her room into a nursery.

I also redecorated downstairs with some of the fancy new wallpapers. That brown one was starting to depress me.

And not a moment too soon apparently.
Shara: Oh god, KAIDEN!

Kaiden is at Robert's house brushing his teeth.
Kaiden: I sense a disturbance in the force.

Hannah: Never fear, super Grandma to the rescue.

Nice bikini Grandma. She's got one day to elderification and I hope she can keep it.

Hannah! You could at least drive.

Kaiden: Oh shit oh shit oh shit she's gunna kill me!

Yeah he got there eventually.

And here is the first official Gen 3, Molly Stark.

I named her after Molly Hooper from Sherlock. Her traits are brave and genius.

She doesn't appear to have the Grisby family's...unfortunateness. She's got Shara's sad eyes though, which are kinda adorable. Nice to see some more interesting genetics.

They promptly left her outside and forgot all about her.

Shara: Cake is more important than my newborn daughter.

She also gets a t-rex head for her room as a birthday present, because THAT'S AWESOME. I love you Generations.

I forgot to get a picture of it but I got a notification at this point saying Ashley had a boyfriend (AFTER THREE HOURS! I tried for days!), called Buzz Rhodes, who is an elder. She likes old men, that's why I couldn't find her anyone -_- At least he's not a car.

Also, I Googled him, and apparently he starts out as an elder, so either he's immortal, or he's going to drop dead any second so he's having a final fling with a hot athlete. AND (yes, there're more), I think he used to live in the farm Ashley moved into, so maybe he's just senile and thinks she's his wife and Ashley is going along with it? I don't know, Sims drama.

Shara; And if you promise to never ever tell anyone we left you outside immediately after you were born, I'll buy you a treehouse!

Sherman: You're not Ashley. When did this happen?

She takes after her Uncle Robert as often she cries for no damn reason.

Kaiden: I HAVE HAD IT. Shut up child, or I will boil your head in this bowl!
Molly: Dahdee noooo!

Okay I know it's just a glitch, but I thought it was funny.

Kaiden: *Bowl to the face*

I got Kaiden and Shara the hover bed lifetime reward. Aw yeah.

Obviously the first thing any self respecting Sim would do is woohoo on it.

Hannah: Hey look, cake! What's the occasion?
No occasion...I just love you is all. I think those candles are a fire hazard, you should definitely blow them out, for the sake of the children.
Hannah: You think so?

Shara and Sherman: HOORAY! *tooooot*

Hannah: It's good of them to cheer my mad fire safety skillz.


Hannah: What's this?


Here she is after her makeover, still pretty badass (and yes my Sims get one hairstyle until their death. I WILL HAVE NO CHANGES)
She looks especially good with the pimp cane I got her.

Hannah: I'm old! You're too hot for me, everyone's going to think I'm a cougar.
Sherman: Don't be stupid, you're as gorgeous as the day we met.
Hannah: You're just saying that.

Sherman: Not so. If anything you're even more beautiful than the day we met. It's like someone decided we looked like shit in all our photographs and turned up our graphics settings.
Hannah: Is there really a need to hold my boob during this conversation?
Sherman: Yes.

Juxtaposition FTW.

Genius babies are pretty cool, they learn everything sooper quick. She got walking and potty training down in one day.

But still gets completely forgotten about when in her high chair for hours on end.
Molly: Soshull services?

[There was a supposed to be a picture here of a letter Sherman sent to Kaiden with a stereo. After two uploads it's not working, I don't know]
Kaiden got this in the post.

Kaiden: Thanks for the stereo dad, but you could have just given it to me, we live in the same house.
Sherman: This way seemed more special! Your pancakes suck by the way.

I love the new maternity outfits. Such a nice change.

I got a notification saying Yvette was gunna die soon so I sent Shara around to tell her about the baybay.

Yvette: That's amazing! Finally, the daughter who doesn't look like a boot is having babies. We should celebrate!


Meanwhile, back at home,

Come on Sherman, time to become the world's most adorable old man.

Not that anyone gives a shit. Where are they all?

Ah well, too late.

Sherman: No! I'm too young and beautiful!

I still think you're hot

He doesn't look right clean shaven, so it's not happening.
Also, I can't believe I only just realised how much Sherman and cardigans work. So much wasted time.

And the perfect way to celebrate both becoming elders? Waterslide. I concur.

Hannah: I really wish I could go travelling...

No. My laptop would have a nervous breakdown.

Hannah: We're still hot aren't we?
Sherman: Oh hells yeah.

Sherman: We're definitely hotter than the Grisbys.
Hannah: Heheheheheh

Speaking of which, I got a notification saying Yvette had died so I went to check on Shara and make sure she was okay, given she was at the house.

Still looking very much alive.

Shara: Erm....mother?
Yvette: Yup?
Shara: ....are you feeling okay?
Yvette: Never better, why do you ask?

Shara: Oh. No reason. I think I better stay over okay?
 Yvette: Sounds good to me.

[Once again picture isn't working. It's a notification that says 'Ashley Stark and Hal Breckenridge have announced they are now commited to eachother']

What happened with the old guy?
Also, I looked this guy up and apparently he's a massive man whore.

You're not old enough to worry about that Sherman.
Besides, you are NEVER EVER GOING TO DIE because I love you both too much

Sherman: This is for continually forgetting about your newborn daughter!

Kaiden: OH YEAH? Well this is for your face

They have like three pillow fights a day. It's weird.


This happened like 5 minutes after. You go Robert.

Yvette died about two seconds after Shara had to leave (typical), but with the inheritance she left her I redid the house. It's not pretty but I like it. Sort of higgeldy piggeldy.

Well there's a development that will surprise no-one.

And there's another. I should send Hannah over to beat him with her pimp cane.

Kaiden: As much as I don't want to criticise, is leftover cake really the best dinner for a pregnant woman?
Shara: If you don't shut up I will eat your heart.
Kaiden: Then that's okay.

Shara: Goddamn, I shouldn't have had the cake




He rolled 'Insane', and 'Genius', so naturally, meet Sherlock Stark.

Shara: How do I baby?

He's coming for you Kaiden.


Okay, so Sherlock has more to worry about than big ears, he's glitchy as hell. And not a cute glitch, like the one in Wreck it Ralph. A terrifying glitch that eats your soul with its eyes.

Look at him, standing there, as though nothing is wrong.


Molly: *sneak sneak sneak*

Nah he didn't glitch again so I'll forgive him. I just can never think of things for the toddlers to say so it makes my life easier to pretend he's a monster. He's cute really, even though I've now used the only 2 hairstyles I have for boy toddlers. Need to find more D:

I get too many of these for my liking.

Shara: Uhh, you know this is our room don't you?
Sherman: Mmhmm.

Shara: So...what are you doing?
Sherman: We wanted to try the hover bed

Hannah: Yeah, bugger off.
Shara: O...kay, have fun, I guess?

Shara: You know your parents are woohooing in our bed? I've seen things man. Awful, awful things.
Kaiden: Really? Damn. Don't worry, I know the perfect revenge tactic.
Sherlock: Deestwoy.

Wait for it.

Adan: The maid.

Stark revenge, it's unconventional. His last name is Sherman for extra offensiveness (I did not intervene in this, it's an amusing coincidence).

Sherman: THEY HIRED A MAID? So you're going to clean everything?
Adan: That's the general job description Sir.
Sherman: So what am I supposed to do?
Adan: Anything you like. Put your feet up, watch TV.

Sherman: WATCH TV? Look at these photographs- ignore my son in the front, it's just his wedding or something. Look at how clean that kitchen table is! We didn't even need plates, we could just eat right off it. And here's our toilet after the great curry night of 2008, you can't even tell.
Adan: My are a true visionary sir. It's nice to meet someone so similarly enamoured with the cleanly arts.

Sherman: Oh stop it, you're too kind.

He then got a wish to be be Adan's best friend. Because of course he did.

A baby isn't the answer to your broken marriage.

Uhh, what happened to Ramsey?


Okay then.

Hmm, what could be the cause of all this tooting?


I tried to get Kaiden to hold her because he's barely been in this chapter but NOOO, Shara had to steal all the screen time.

Herp derp...


Shara: Omygod, that haircut, BLARGH

For her next trait she rolled vegetarian, so I made her into a little hippie.

Shut up I like her outfit.

Kaiden immediately wanted to bond with his favourite activity in the whole wide world (if I didn't stop him doing it he'd starve to death)


Kaiden: You know, I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to have other children.
Shara: I know what you mean, it's like now there won't be three toddlers in the house it's okay


Did I hear the jingle? Did I not? WHO KNOWS (it's a cliffhanger)

Thanks for reading, I appreciate people taking the time to read and comment on crap I've made up after playing a video game. My degree is sciencey so I've enjoyed having a creative outlet recently, even more so knowing that people enjoy it (or at least say they do). Anyhoo, enough of the Oscar bullshit, see you next time


sims 3 legacy

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