You people in the States may have seen this video, featured on SNL last year: I'm on a Boat. If not, you should watch it. I think it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
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So this year for the film festival, a few people working at the Pole did a spoof on it called "I'm at the Pole." It's brilliant.
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I have enjoyed the I'm on a Boat video that I just had to order
this shirt. I'm looking forward to wearing it on the cruise in April.
That's pretty much all I've been up to lately. Yep.
Tomorrow I fly 2,000 miles due north to Christchurch, NZ. I'm headed to Wanaka with Emily to jump out of an airplane. Seems like a good idea to me.
I've been here since August. I haven't seen a tree, or a bug, or a child, or so many other things in all that time. I am so ready to leave. Bring on the vacation!