May 11, 2005 18:21
The first day with Beth in another state...the first day in this hopefully short separation period that I don't think will be too terribly hard to handle. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep US's worth every ounce of my effort.
Started the day off be finally cleaning my car. Washed waxed it. Cleaned the inside...just need to get the trash out of the floor boards. It needed it so bad...and it looks SO nice. I was proud to be driving that thing around town today. While I was at it I washed my parents' cars. It was much appreciated by them...I'm glad. Went out and dropped off some applications so I can make myself some money this summer. It's getting to the point to where I don't care where I work, I just want to work and make money and be busy. I payed Ashton a visit at the Banana Republic. It was kinda awkward b/c it was his first day and I knew he had a lot of stuff to like get used to...they weren't too busy so I didn't feel too bad taking up some of his time. I need to see him tonight b/c he has a letter from Miss Bethany that I want to read so bad. Hopefully I can catch him when he gets off of work.
I need to spend some time cleaning up Nathan's room since he isn't here for the next few days. It's a wreck and I don't want to effing do it, but it needs it so bad.
Watched the Braves game with Mama Jo at her house today. She cooked some cornbread, vegitable soup, and turnip greens for me. It was so damn good. Braves lost a hearbreaker...oh well it happens. The cable at her place was messed up and kept going in and out every 5 was so annoying and hard to keep up with what was going on in the game. The Grandparentals just got new picture phones. It is so funny watching them trying to figure out how to work 'em. I've had to help them get used to how to work the stupid things...where would they be without me. (atleast that's what they said)
For now the future is bright in so many aspects...I just have to make sure that I work hard for what I want...Miss Kossick.