Nov 02, 2008 14:09
I’m putting this out there not to change anyone’s mind, but to touch on some areas I think the McCain campaign has managed poorly. This is essentially what I would have done different if I was McCain’s campaign manager.
The wealth an American earns should be left to them to use as they choose. Barack Obama seeks to increase the taxes of wealthy Americans. It is no secret he believes in redistribution of wealth, just ask our friend Joe the Plumber. Tired rhetoric aside, what the McCain campaign has failed to do is give you the facts on how government revenues actually DECREASE from higher taxes. I’ll use the capital gains tax as an example. Presently, the long-term capital gains tax rate stands at 15% and will until 2010. What this means is the government rewards people for holding onto their wealth for a longer period of time. Barack Obama seeks to increase this tax to 28%, essentially punishing Americans for accumulating wealth. History has proven that government revenue actually goes down from a higher capital gains tax rate.
Now, I don’t claim to understand the American tax system, but I think I understand why tax increases hurt us and I believe this theory would apply to all types of income taxes. America has been at the top of the world in innovation and wealth for a long time. We rely on investments in new technologies, new research, new developments and scientific breakthroughs to drive our success. These projects are largely funded by wealthy Americans and large corporations in an effort to make new discoveries and grow larger. When you tax the wealthiest and largest companies a greater percentage, you are taking away money that would be used to explore new opportunities for growth. You’re taking away money that is being reinvested into our economy and putting it in government coffers. You’re taking away money that would be given to young people with fresh ideas starting a new business. You’re taking away money our economy needs to continue its growth. For what purpose? We hear so much about how horrible large corporations are, but the truth is their massive wealth keeps our economy growing and keeps us as a world leader on many fronts.
Research and Development might be the first to be cut, but when a company’s revenues go down, stock prices go down and more efforts need to be made to raise the bottom line investors expect. What’s the next cut? Jobs. Hardworking American jobs, because the easiest way to cut costs is to cut jobs. Increased taxes will leave corporations with less money to pay employees with because of the amount they have to pay to the government. The proposed Obama tax increases would only make our problem worse. He claims most Americans would get a tax cut, but what do you think is more important; Americans keeping their jobs or paying less taxes before they end up getting laid off? I choose my job. I choose not to let my government invest in social projects such as Welfare that only perpetuate the cycle and reward laziness. It’s time people learned to work for their money again. It’s time our government stopped giving people a sense of entitlement and told them to get off their fat asses and earn it for a change. We’re a great society failing because people feel they deserve certain things. The Constitution does not guarantee you a right to wealth. It allows you the freedom to seek that dream.
Don’t let Barack Obama fool you. In a recent military poll done by a military newspaper, 75% of active-duty soldiers are voting McCain! These men and women have been there, these men and women understand why the United States needs to be involved and maintain its presence across the world. I didn’t always feel we needed to be involved across the world. But in seeing what I’ve seen and learning what I’ve learned in my career, I understand the world needs America to maintain balance and security. Don’t let Barack Obama tell you we’re the bully on the playground! America seeks to fight both militarily and diplomatically for the good people in the world! A middle-east without a U.S. presence WILL fall under the heavy influence of the Iranian extremists.
Don’t be a follower, be independent. Our generation has a reputation of being lazy and a slave to trends. Barack Obama is a trend. Don’t fall into the trap. We are the future of this country and we cannot allow it to suffer under the inexperience and radical ideas of this man. Send this out/tag anyone interested!
Jason Ellis