Feb 05, 2006 18:30
my poooor poooor big sister... she calls me often to let me know about her love life (crazy as it is) because she knows that i'll always be there to talk to her. and i ALWAYS am. sometimes i think she's over-reacting and sometimes i want to cry with her. and the worst part is that i don't always know what to say. i mean, what do you say to someone who is bawling as she talks to her ex in front of you and you're sitting there holding her hand? all i could think of was "i'm so so sorry..." i think the botanical gardens is the best place to take a distressed friend. (not a good idea to take her when they're closing, though.)
on a lighter note, i'm sitting here watching susie q eat leftover moes and dance around my room. and anna's back. i miss her when she's gone. everyone should go see her in guys and dolls.
also, i have some DELICIOUS pasta waiting to be microwaved and eaten. mmmmmmmm!
and on an even LIGHTER note, brian and i have had the best weekend EVER! just ask... we'll tell all about brooke's and barnes and noble and crazy slow waiters at surin.
love, love!
p.s. J just called me to come be with her again.... story of my life!