Apr 11, 2018 00:00
Today was my 19th wedding anniversary. I almost typed "would have been" instead of "was", but the divorce won't be finalized until sometime in June. It would be very convenient indeed if the house was sold by then; otherwise we'll likely have to file an extension to avoid all the annoying paperwork that goes with a no-longer-married couple selling a home in both their names.
I'm a little miffed about paperwork these days because the forms we had to file to get the divorce processed entail her being the plaintiff, and me being sued. Because of the crazy weather we had, and her hectic work schedule, she wasn't going to be able to get to the courthouse in time to have the papers filed. So guess who got to go and do it. I called that the physical manifestation of adding insult to injury.
So here we are, still living in the house we bought almost six years ago, into which we moved on my birthday. I managed not to have it sold or the divorce finalized on the date of our wedding anniversary, and my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, so I might get away with not having one of these life changes occurring the day I turn 50, but I'm still dreading those days whenever they arrive.
I've kept myself distracted lately, with work, with social acitivities, with occasional musical adventures (although I haven't written a song since New Year's Eve, and I'm fine with that since I'd written nine up till then), and with first working lights and sound for a play and now actually being onstage in a play opening this week. My blood pressure's up but my weight is down, and I think I might be at my handsomest ever thus far.
Yet I can't help but recall another April 10 almost two decades ago, when we fell asleep so exhausted and so happy, looking forward to where life was going to bring us. I did nothing today to outwardly acknowledge the day, and neither did she; it helped that she worked a 12-hour shift and I was busy at the theater all evening. Maybe she hasn't noticed; maybe she doesn't care. It doesn't matter, since this is not the woman I married. Today we share a residence, and a dog. After the house sells and all the papers are signed, we will go on to live in different places, and we won't share the dog either.