Aug 13, 2007 12:02
My family has an annual tradition of having what we call the Wardle Olympics(WO). Each member of the family is in charge of coming up with one game. Most of the games are crazy, and not your normal Olympic events. It is a lot of fun. Last weekend was the time for the WO, and all my siblings were there except one. It was a lot of fun. This year, the one rule was that each event had to involve water. Yes, that means everybody gets wet. In fact the traditional last event of the WO is the water run, where everybody lines up on both sides of a run path. The runner then runs through the path and everybody throws water on them. I think most people think "Weird" when they here about our WO, but it is an incredibly good time for the family. I've got an incredible family and it is because we have awesome parents that come up with ideas like this. It was good times.
My middle child had a great time and was a hoot to watch. He was in the middle of everything. He would fill up his cup and warn everybody "Here comes the water. Here comes the water!" Then he would try to throw the water. Most of the water would end up behind him during the back motion of the throw. It was so funny. Gotta love family!