[REC] The Miserable Bastard's Club HG/SS/LM (MA)

Aug 08, 2008 13:20

Remember back when fandom was young and one could find the best dark and chewy fics for a dime a dozen on every street corner? When the characters we fell in love with in the books sprang up alive and savage from the virtual page again, this time dealing with issues that would send the kiddies screaming to hide behind their nana's aprons? When talent ran in the gutters like blood and everybody who was anybody knew that  the readers weren't really there for the smut, that what really kept us awake late at night was the Story with a capital S? Yeah, those were the good old days.  And they're not gone forever.

shiv5468 is now striding over that same ground like Spring Heel Jack in his Thousand League Boots.

The Miserable Bastard's Club
Fandom: HP
Pairing: HG/SS/LM
Rating: MA
Summary:  After the war, our heroes seem a little lost.
Chapters: 6
Complete: NO.  It's a WIP.  Yeah, I don't rec WIPs.  This alone should tell you something.

Also, I'm not just pimping this because Shiv is my co-author on a lot of things.  I'm pimping it because Chapter 6 is some of the best, darkest, chewiest, most amazing writing I've ever sampled in fandom, and I want you to stop whatever you're doing and go read it NOW.

rec, hgss

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