SSHG Awards Nominations

Dec 04, 2008 10:49

Are here.  And I just had a real good gander at the list.  WOW, people.  Congratulations to all the nominees, because you are in good company.

Isn't it amazing how much our fandom has to offer?  Isn't so very deeply cool that, even after our canon has closed, our Ship just trundles along?  We have NEW AUTHORS.  HOW COOL IS THAT!?  We have dedicated dinos who carry the torch.  HOW COOL IS THAT!?  We have Everything In Between.  HOW FREAKIN' COOL IS THAT!?

Look at the number of categories!  ~goes to ogle the list again~  DAMN.  Everything from drabbles to epic fics.  Everything from comm challenges and exchange fic to work written for the love of our ship.  We have archives and massive exchanges and drabble comms and AWARDS.  We actually have AWARDS.  We have people that love the Ship so much, they will put up with ANYTHING to bring you the ship's best and dearest works.


There is something for EVERYONE on that list.  Be proud of yourself, my little fandom.  Stand up straight and preen, because you clearly ROCK.

I am so proud I could spit.  ~BEAMS~


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