WoW The Comic, issue I don't care. Plus extras.

Nov 21, 2008 17:47

The Sanctum Of Blood article has been updated to what might be it's best revision ever.

In less then happy news, whee, its time for another issue of WoW Teh Comik Buk. You can tell I'm thrilled. However, this time I'm going to throw in some extra rambling and thoughts. And no, that's not just to make up for the actute lack of content in this issue. Well, maybe not entirely.

In this issue, Grunting King Wrynn exposits while everyone goes on a trip to Theramore. That's about it. Deep, no?

Okay, I will say now that there were three major points to this issue that caught my interest:

1) We find out that King's wife had a name (but I forget what it was...), was killed by getting beaned on the head with a rock and was not Caria Menithil as I had theorised. There you have it.

2) Garona gets a cameo and, with it, a new incongruous appearance to go along with all her previous incongruous appearances. Still doesn't explain where she got to.

3) There's a fight. Broll utterly kicks arse. More to the point, he kicks arse while Oh'gosh and Crotchbumtits stand around and so nothing. Thus it may be the best fight yet in this entire comic. Sadly, because it's interrupting the flow of the exposition, it lasts maybe a page tops. Sorry Broll.

In my Cycle of Hatred. In said novel, he's portrayed as a weak-willed, indecisive moron who can't even tie his own shoelaces without Jaina's help. Does this correspond to Thrall's behaviour in-game? No. How about his depiction in Warcraft III? Not at all. How aobut in other novels and such? Hells no. However, in this case, Thrall has become the victim of the same sort of problem.

(And at the same time, WoW The Comik Buk is the only place I've ever seen Cycle of Hatred referenced. Funny that)

So yeah, I don't see it as being a problem with the character of King Wrynn himself; rather what I have issues with is his depiction in the WoW comic. Angry King, yes, Monosylaballic Badarse, no thank you.

Anyways, I promised a bonus feature. So have a mini-review for Warcraft Legends Anthology Vol 2.

There's a random Night Elf Girl on the cover. She's not in the issue at all. In fact, there's no Night Elves at all. Well, probably no. There's a pair of random elves who could be Night Elves for all the good the artistic direction does; in so far as they're generic clean-shaven pretty boys with long hair and pointy ears which, as we have seen by now, seems to suffice for all of Azeroth's Elven races. Also, the same artist has decided that female Dwarves resemble cute Japanese schoolgirls, rather then, say, the roughly dome-shaped chubby-cheeked figures we so rarely see in-game. Boo to you, artist.

While there are four stories again, only one is a continuation of a previous story. And that's the one by RAK about Tauren Dude Who I Don't Care About. Whee. Furthermore, thanks to a flashback, we get RAK's retelling of scenes written by Christine Golden based on material from Warcraft Adventures. Wow. Talk about your Alternate Character Interpretations.

So yeah. Big fat waste of pulp

comic, controversial statement

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