Prepare your eye-sporks, ladies and gentlemen.

Oct 14, 2008 17:39

Well. Greetings, one and all. I have been a lurker of this fine community for some time now, and have finally procured a description that I cannot help but offer for your viewing pleasure, or might I say torment. I come to you from the distant, shadowy world of private servers.

(Insert disapproving glare of shame.)

Ahem. In any case, as some of you may be somewhat surprised to discover, there are a few scattered segments of role players. Since I am posting here... Well, you can't expect it to be that grand. Mind you, there are some decent, if not good, role players lurking in those dark cavernous worlds. But, for the most part, they are pretty... ghastly. The majority of them are fledglings, which is fine, since we all started somewhere. Yet they have a tendency to cling to the slightly older, yet extremely inexperienced and uninhibited role players like the one I am about to display. The thing is, on retail and other such communities, a vast quantity of people will not stand for such... For lack of a better term, noobery. But with no set, structured community, it tends to... Explode.


Be amazed, or horrified. Your choice.


You have your eye-sporks, correct? If not, find one before you read this little... tidbit.¤t=ReadAtYourOwnPeril.jpg

I don't think I should have to blurb his name, since it would be tricky to track down the server he is on. But, if anyone thinks I should, I will quickly hide his shame. And also, he is a major brown noser to the game masters on the server(whom are god awful, from what I have seen and the abuse of a friend of mine), so he happens to have a handy-dandy red blindfold for his character. Even though he's blind, he can still see. I know, I know, there are quite a few people who like to wear their pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey garb and still can see clearly enough. But, god. Every blind person you see has "magic" to have vision.

I swear, if I ever return to retail, I am making another of my gag characters. I've had the idea for awhile... A blind person who has no speshul vision powah. And their seeing eye dog is extremely unreliable and drags them into trouble on a regular basis.

... Anyway. But, Berky, as the description mentions, is yet another fantastical sue whom resides upon the server... Good lord, I never knew much of her. What I do know is that she was originally an "archdruid", then died from old age, was resurrected, became a Demon Hunter alongside her human demon hunter bunk-buddy, and I think... She committed suicide, was brought back, and has returned to her happy-dappy kal'dorei e-peen title. And the aforementioned human demon hunter has been out of the picture for awhile, and I guess our ex-arcanadin and our archdrama-queen hit it off.

Oh god, the spawn they will give off is horrendous. They will probably use the "steroids" excuse another couple used previously to have an EXTREMELY short pregnancy and the kids grow like weeds.


.... Anyway, I could continue, but I think I made enough of an entrance. I should return to my hide-y-hole and observe the rest of the wrecks you folk drag to this community.

-Offers complimentary braine bleach.-

lolwhut, private server, flagrsp, godmode, wall of text, exposition

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