He's a great buncha guys!

Dec 12, 2011 10:27

No, seriously, apparently this character is an army of one.

Okay, I should say first that I'm not one of those who insists that every single player-character has to be a lowly grunt in whatever organization he or she is in.  But there is this little problem I have with someone who claims to hold extremely high rank.  In this case, "Crusader Lord".  At this time, there are only two Crusader Lords in the Argent Crusade: Dalfors and Lantinga.  Although the Argent Crusade's org chart has never been released to the public, the short supply of "Crusader Lords" suggests that this is, in fact, a very high rank, which means it has special significance.

Just remember that as we proceed.

Born and raised in Stormwind--except for that fairly large chunk of time starting when he was about four or five when he would have to be raised somewhere else with all the other refugees.  Oh wait.

He's got couldn't-bother-shaving stubble, which somehow also manages to be silky-soft, laaaaaadies.

"If you are an Argent Crusade member, you may salute."  Remember what I said above about "very high rank"?  This guy embraces it; he assumes that he outranks everyone he'll meet who's affiliated with the AC.

He's got a small army of attendants, none of which are apparently played by actual characters, but all of which will come to his rescue and kick your scrawny butt if he decides to RP fight.  You are to assume they exist, and to deal with it.  Also, all of his attendants are commissioned officers, not enlisted men, so that makes him extra-special.

And for all you Fullmetal Alchemist fans, surprise!  This guy got a transfer and now works for Panthe:

Doesn't this just impress the crap out of you?

As for his story:

I call your attention yet again to "Crusader Lord", precisely because he does.  Not only is he one of the three most important guys in the AC whose name isn't "Fordring", but he's also the guy we're supposed to thank for the improvements in the Plaguelands.

And that "motto".  Dear Light on a lampshade, could you please make it sound more like the crappy spam-mails my dippy friend keeps forwarding to me after I asked her not to?  You know, the ones that tell you about angels granting you wishes if you forward it to twenty of your closest friends, or share completely fabricated stories about celebrities?

In summary, protips:  Don't make your character more important by default than every other character you'll meet.  Don't spawn multiple NPCs who exist to kiss your butt and make you invincible in an RP fight.  Don't be best buddies with major canon characters.  Know your timeline.  And for Light's sake, don't plagiarize fargle-bargle characters from popular fandoms just to carry your packages for you!

Your murloc truly is not impressed with Panthe, but I suppose that's all right; Panthe will be impressed enough for both--or rather, all of us.

Additional note!  Apparently, despite being one of the very top men in the AC and being the leader of everything going on in the Plaguelands...he's a rank-5 member of the Brotherhood of the Dawn guild (which is supposed to be the Brotherhood of the Light).  Looks like Kaemrys didn't feel like surrendering his guild to someone else's ego trip...

flagrsp, moon guard is made of fail, look at moi, godmode, noble, lolwhut, terminally screwball, failadin

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