The literacy fail of the year!

Nov 30, 2011 21:11

Last year, on a spur of the moment, I collected a bunch of the stupidest fanfic quotes I could find and made a post of them to finish off the year. It was pretty fun so I thought I'd do it again, but since I'm not really in the loop anymore and the more the merrier (and my brain begs to lay off the bleach), this year's everyone's invited to bring their suggestions.

If you have some really bad WoW fanfic quotes, send them to me in a PM and I'll make a post about it at the end of December/early January where people can vote on their favorite.

1. The fic must have been posted on the net OR updated OR been featured here on the community during 2011. (see, I give you time to spork it here if you find something truly epic that's older than 2011 :D)

2. List me the title of the fic, the author and give a link to the fic in question so that the rest of us may see the whole shebang for ourselves.

3. Don't overdo it. Only a short quote or two from any story. See the post from last year for examples. Sometimes there might need to be a brief explanation for why the line is so bad, but ideally it should be able to stand on its own merit.

4. It doesn't matter WHY the quote is silly. It can be plain stupid, something mindbogglingly OOC said by a lore character, or have a funny misspelling that changes the meaning completely. As long as it makes you laugh and that obviously wasn't the author's intention, it's good.

5. No prizes are involved, sorry. We just ought to have more spotlight on the fanfics here, as well ^_^ But in the list of quotes, you will of course be listed as the one who found it.

Also I'm disqualifying this one, because it's too damn easy:

"Its a shame that I will have to spill your blood. You would have made a great knight of the scourge."
-The Lich King

funny story, fanfic, random, you make me sic, pretty princess, emo bullcrap, yer doing it wrong, lore crushing

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