So evil-looking it's gotta be a crime...

Nov 08, 2011 09:28

There are days when I wish guard guilds were actually respected in the RP community.  (Yes, I know, it'd be nice if they were respectable, too.)  But for guard guilds to be allowed any kind of welcome, people like this would have to acknowledge the IC consequences of their choices--and we can't have their delicate feelings being hurt:

Send for backup! Where's the SWAT team?! )

look at me, flagrsp, night elf, ic actions have ic concequences, moon guard is made of fail, lore-crushing, a wizard did it, game logic, terminally screwball, lolwhut, ooc is not ic, freaky hybrid

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thinginthetub November 9 2011, 15:39:38 UTC
Sigh. I find these characters frustrating not because of what they look like, but what you said- they completely disregard the concepts of common sense and law. I've seen people actually mention in their emotes how the NPC guards just walk by them as they cackle manically with their demon at their side. I also got accused of godmoding and ignored by one of these people once for emoting my paladin shooting a bolt of holy energy at someone's felhound. Not that it hit the felhound, just that he attacked it.

My paladin also once told some Night Elf with a description that stated he was leaking fel energy everywhere to get the hell out of the Cathedral. The result was him whining and several other people coming to his rescue and saying the Cathedral is for everybody and that my paladin is a zealot.

I think that's really the most frustrating part. That people roll these kinds of characters and then expect no conflict from it. Wyrmrest is particularly bad for this. It has a very hold-handsy attitude where no RPer can do any wrong and you must encourage and foster these people by being nice to them IC. Wyrmrest has a severe IC/OOC confusion issue. If your character is "mean" to someone like this, you're suddenly an asshole yourself and the ((ooc brackets)) go flying.


lurkythespork November 9 2011, 18:43:27 UTC
And then people wonder why I'm so skeptical when people start jumping up and down and cheering, "You should totes transfer to WRA because it's sooooo much better!" If it's the same culture, it's going to have the same problems.


thinginthetub November 9 2011, 22:42:49 UTC
I think they only thing WrA really has over any other server is that people aren't rubbing their sexual fetishes in your face all the time. The worst our ERP flags get is usually a description of the character's bust or how big its package is, or that they're wearing a leather collar or something. Actual 18+ wall-of-text porn flags are very rare. They exist, but you can go quite a while without seeing one.

It also has a LOT of RP, but again- the trouble with that is people aren't willing to look at their writing critically. If your character isn't friendly to theirs, it's not because they're playing a character that general society wouldn't be nice to, it's because YOU'RE an asshole. It has a very weird "everyone must love each other and hold hands" community where people apply feelings over logic.

"I RP my [demon hunter/scourge loyalist/dragonsworn/scarlet zealot/etc.] in the city because nobody RPs outside the city!" is a common thing, and nevermind the fact that these types of characters would be kill-on-sight. Their friends (and even strangers!) will leap to their defense, especially if they are a female, and proclaim that your character shouldn't be so judgmental and everyone deserves a chance.

Not how it works, WrA. Not how it works. /sigh


mellevoluh November 9 2011, 23:03:38 UTC
I have a Troll warrior on WrA. I stopped RPing her (after I got to 85) because of behavior like this. My troll doesn't like/trust anyone that she doesn't know already. I got yelled at for questioning why my Darkspear RP guild was accepting applicants who RPed as Amani and flamed as an elitist who "hod no concept of Troll lore". I give up. I don't think I'm ever going to find an RP community that is highly horde active. I've since gone to a normal server.


tiradell November 10 2011, 20:56:02 UTC
Understandable there, if they'd calmly explained and given a good reason (like the Amani lying and pretending to be Revantusk) that miiiiight be allowed among Darkspear (albeit highly mistrusted) it could result in some fun rp. But finding a good community that doesn't foster and encourage bad rp habits is hard to find.

I try looking for individuals, not communities. That's the only advice I can offer, use the communities to make contacts, but don't get too embroiled with what's likely a bunch of whiny kids.


mellevoluh November 12 2011, 04:30:15 UTC
Meh. I mean, lack of activity in public is what's keeping me from finding individuals. If they were out there, doing stuff that wasn't ass pettery, I haven't seen it. I gave up looking.


tiradell November 12 2011, 18:57:48 UTC
Finding the good ones does take a lotta effort and sifting, no doubt there. If you ever decide to try again, I always love meeting new people, drop me a line and I'll let you know where I can be found.


mellevoluh November 17 2011, 14:32:11 UTC
Will do! I only have horde characters on WrA as of now and work plus some other things have me too tired to devote more than an hour or so to the game lately, but feel free to realid me (if you're comfortable with that) and we can set something up! Realid is: If you aren't comfortable with realid, my main on WrA is Tuwah, I can also be found lurking about on Maevin.


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