What a Crok

Nov 04, 2011 14:33

Now, unfortunately, you're only going to be able to see half the story with this one, but I'll explain the rest of why this kind of thing irritates me after you look her over.

Savor this for a moment.

Now let me confirm your ugly suspicions.

Fascinating-looking girl, isn't she?

Well, maybe she put her physical description in the "Background" tab by accident...

No such luck.

Okay, allow me to summarize:  She's the daughter of Davil "Lightfire" Crokford, a noble paladin who died defending Darrowshire (one of the most bittersweet yet awesome stories told in WoW, in my considered opinion).  Also, she's the daughter of Davil Crokford.  In order to honor the memory of her father Davil Crokford the paladin, she became a priestess.  And somewhere along the line, someone tacked a "high" onto her title and named her "FireLight"--because she hasn't emphasized enough that she is related to a canon character.

Now, ordinarily I wouldn't have too much issue with claiming to be related to minor canon characters in ways that affect neither your character nor canon.  I know a guy who plays a paladin distantly related to Leonid Barthalomew (not close enough to be best buds, though).  I even knew a guy who claimed to be the son of Dagran Orcslayer.  But the thing is that neither of these made the characters more awesome than the characters were on their own.  Take away the detail of blood kin, and the characters remain the same.  But in Astasia's case, her entire character is hinged on the single fact that she is the daughter of Davil Crokford.  Take that away, and there is nothing else to her.

This, however, is not what gets my dander up.  What gets my dander up is Astasia's illegitimate half-brother.

Yes, she and another person have decided that Davil Crokford not only was unfaithful to his wife, but failed to support his own son.  I ran into the two of them some months ago, and his RSP reflected this.

Here's my opinion, for what it's worth:  If you want to roleplay as a sleazeball, someone who can't be trusted farther than you can throw Durn the Hungerer, someone to whom honor means nothing, fine.  But you do not have the right to decide that a character belonging to someone else is like that, not without the "someone else's" permission.

In summary, don't hang your entire character concept on being related to someone, and definitely don't go changing the "someone" to justify your character's existence.

EDIT:  I decided to go to Wowpedia to make sure the "background" bit was accurate--and guess what I found?  I find that the reason why the first two paragraphs of "her" background are totally different from the last paragraph is because they match word-for-word to the article there.  No wonder it was infinitely more readable than her own work, hey?

Lurky is now seriously displeased at this plagiarist.

beloved peasant village, flagrsp, moon guard is made of fail, lore-crushing, horrible relative

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