Good morning! I am stuck at home with the stomach flu and all the joys that come with it, so I've nothing much better to do than pass my time away sifting through my screenshots folder for anything amusing I may have forgotten about.
My waning interest in WoW RP has made me less publicly active, so my screenshots grow fewer in number, but the ones I come up with are usually... extra special.
This. This is not how you DK.
I'd also say "this is not how you attract RP", because sitting in a corner silently and waiting for someone to approach you is a surefire way to accomplish absolutely jack shit, but then I remembered that her description contains the phrase "cute chubby tushie" and she dresses like
this and therefore probably has tavern RPers tripping over each other to sit down next to her.
Zombies are sexy!
I'm going to endure an OOC shitstorm for posting this one, and I will happily discuss my reasons for posting this with any dissenters of my opinion.
This is Evanyell's new MRP. Anybody that's played on WrA since before Cataclysm is probably familiar with that name, and even those that rolled after have probably at least heard it passed along through whispers, though never more than three times, because saying it three times in a row might summon her. Like Betelgeuse.
I can't speak for why she altered her character- I'm guessing it was the infamy that followed the character of Evanyell, but this is her new one, in all of its delicious, thesaurus-soup glory. Ostentatiously-designed, kohl-augmented eyes? Is it really that hard to say "she wears eyeliner"?
It's really the only gripe I take with this. The vomitrocious, wordy, purple-prose that serves as nothing more than space-filling fluff. Impressive writing is effective writing, not the vocabulary choices than have been used.
Edit: There has apparently been an addition to this flag since I capped it saying that it's satire. Color me dubious, but I'll credit such things where due.
A ten-year-old Scarlet! I'd find that adorable if he weren't also a freakishly tall and overweight abomination for his age.
Nobody who roleplays a Scarlet character seems to actually understand the concept behind what Scarlets are. They just see red uniforms and equate it with badassery, and do no research past that. Hint: They do not help those who cannot help themselves, they purge them.
Few things make me nerdrage harder than shitty Death Knights. I really shouldn't. It's just a game, and that's what hitting the little X in the top right hand corner of the MRP box and walking away are for. But I can't help myself. A teenage Scarlet Death Knight Templar. Five out of the six words in that sentence were absolutely wrong being next to each other, the exception being 'A'.
The Scourge would not raise teenagers as Death Knights. They wanted nobility, experienced soldiers, paladins, and men and women of high power and influence. Things that would be, you know, useful to have under their sway.
Teenagers cannot be Templars. I roleplay my paladin as having some of their abilities and being well on the road to becoming one, but it's a long and arduous process that comes with a lot of training and study, not something someone barely old enough to be a squire would have any grasp over.
This last one is a hell of a thing.
Did you read all that?
The flag starts off pretty average. Decent, even. It doesn't abuse flowery language or use godmody phrases or make his character out to be anything special.
No, it's the butthurt. His OOC notes are actually -longer- than his IC description, and while I don't necessarily disagree with anything he's written-- holy shit, bro. Calm down. I'm not exactly one to talk, given my ragefest just a scroll up from this, but the flag is not the place for that. All this does is make you look unapproachable and judgmental of everybody around you. Notes like this make people walk on eggshells around you, more worried about pissing you off than just having fun.
He sort of proves it on his own, too. He actually whispered my friend last night as we were RPing-- our characters had the opportunity to do a body switch, which was a Big Deal to my undead character because he got to feel real "life" for the first time in quite a while. As they were reflecting on the situation and he was ranting, "I was alive," her character responded that no, he wasn't, he was just borrowing her body. Apparently this looked raunchy enough to prompt this:
What a warm and welcoming guild leader you are, sir.