Well, what if a Kal'dorei left with the Blood Elves?

Oct 02, 2011 17:45

What if?
If your answer is "Wat", then congratulations! You are correct and as confused as I am.

I found this while testing a new spec over in the SMC training yard, and she does -not- take kindly to opposition to her characters mixed race.

Now. There are a few issues here. By few, I obviously mean a fel-lling lot.
Timeline issues, Mary-sueish traits and a colour-friggen-changing bird.
Really? Really. Alright then.
I took the time to point out the lore and timeline issues with her concept, only to be answered with todays title. /streamers

No, no it's okay. I have already have -everything- I need.

How can this be fixed: Drop the mix breed bit, drop the colour-changing bird, drop drop drop. The description is fine, ignoring the lore wrecking. She's not perfect, which is really nice to see! Just please stop using the 'half breed' gimick if you don't know what you're doing. Please.



Spot the issues! Prize: The knowledge that you spotted the issues!

look at me, funny story, flagrsp, look at moi, lore-crushing, yer doin it wrong, blood elf, half-elf, pretty princess, tryhard horde, wyrmrest accord, yer doing it wrong, lore crushing

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