These are both Ally and Hordeside.
All of these have been sitting on Deathy's hard drive for... some time. Some, of course, are worse than others.
1) This one is not too bad.
A little purple, in places, but overall not terrible. But don't worry, Deathy is only getting started!
2) As for this one, Deathy isn't entirely sure how to pronounce that first name, and those titles are a little ludicrous.
Points for originality, but taking them all away and then some for Aura Abuse and the fact that you are not a kitten.
3) This one has multiple levels of fail.
First: announcing you are a ninja is the exact opposite of being a ninja.
Second: this was post-Cata. Arthas is dead.
Third: Scourge sympathizer in Org? Dead meat.
Fourth: Tauren. Druid. Wanting to serve... Arthas... Deathy just doesn't know any more.
4) Deathy's only complaint with this one is...
Who ARE these people?!
5) Ok, this one is committing a MAJOR RP no-no...
Claiming to have a Lore-important weapon where anyone else can get the same weapon? Claiming responsibilty for... well, okay, Deathy hasn't heard of any of these events, but it shouldn't have been just one man responsible.
Also, the prince would want to have words with you having his weapon.
6) This person spent most of their time in kittyform, displaying fear of all other characters, and doing this by... crouching in the corner of a tavern?
As an aside, why is "I'mma feral drood" so popular to play? Can anyone enlighten Deathy?
Now we are getting into the painful ones. And as an example, well...
7) The names were blotted out for their own safety.
Deathy only wishes he could blot out the memories. Also? This took place behind Stormwind Cathedral. Eeeeugh.
8) We can't tell who you are when your take off your helmet.
Even though nothing else about you changes. Ahuh.
9) Gack. We...
We didn't need to know that. At all. How is this relevant to good RP?!
10) This one... well, they're a Death Knight!
No, wait, sorry, a "Shadow Magister". For the Blood... Elves...? This requires more information.
Deathy is sorry he asked!
11) It's a grizzled old, blinded Tauren! Who can "see" by using his hearing!
And is apparently... being... turned into a god by the Trollish Loa. Look, Deathy knows good help is hard to come by, but... really? The Loa can't find a good Troll to use instead?
12) More Loa fun! This time...
By a Night Elf. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.
13) Speaking of Night Elves...
Normal looking in-game, he has glowy blue eyes, is ripping off Vash the Stampede, and has access to hammerspace.
14) Lastly... Deathy will let you draw your own conclusions.
Deathy should clean his hard drive out more often.