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arachnogeek September 13 2011, 00:46:38 UTC
1. I think they've been posted a time or two before. I'd recognize that BAWWW NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY MY LOVER whine anywhere.

2. Either trolling or honestly has no idea what game they're playing.

3. No.

4. NO.

5. THAT IS NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA. Congrats on simultaneously pissing off anyone who reads this flag and either has or knows someone who has either schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder. If you're going to play your character as having a mental disorder, do five fucking seconds of research you little twit!! Also, I will bet that this is one of those people who plays a "lolcrazy" characters that becomes oh-so-wacky whenever the player is bored and miraculously switches to another personality who has done no wrong when they get a whiff of trouble.

*breathes into a paper bag for a bit*

...Okay. Okay. I'm okay now.

Where was I?

6. Meh. Yet another example of why you shouldn't try to fill in the "race" field in your flag.

7. ...What the hell did I just read?

8. No again. We do not tame demons like that, at least not for long. Behead her and put it on a pike as a warning to others.

9. *deep breath* I cannot tell just by looking at your character if they are gay, straight, or bi. Short of carefully looking for a marital indicator for that specific culture, such as a ring, I cannot tell if they are single, dating, married, or "it's complicated". I do not know what their favorite beverage is. I do not know what their like and dislikes are. ALL OF THIS INFORMATION IS USELESS. Also, she tries hard to look cute (and SUCCEEDS, screw your personal tastes!), but dislikes men who do the same. Ohhh-kay.

10. This one sounds a little familiar too, but it may just be the OOC Butthurt Form Letter they filled out.

11. Fffff... at... at least they're not super short for a draenei? Although maybe they'll keep shrinking over time until they're the proper super kawaii height? I'm not touching the "back from undeath" thing other than to say WRONG.

12. Oh look. A short draenei. Shock and awe. She's also slim yet curvy. Egads, what WILL they think of next?


arachnogeek September 13 2011, 20:42:09 UTC
Ah, here's the visual aid I was looking for for #10.


illidont September 16 2011, 21:22:16 UTC
5...How in the hell did I miss this. Oh, my jesus.

+1 to your comment, because, well.
Buddy, I -am- schizophrenic, and this kind of shit makes me really, really mad. It's ignorant of them and it's just...I can't fathom how stupid that person is to not even put a tiny bit of research into the illness. adhfjkasdhf


arachnogeek September 17 2011, 00:12:56 UTC
*hugs* I have a family friend who is, and another who's at risk. I hate shit like this because it takes a -person- and reduces them to a trope. ...And then I go on a rant like that one. *cough*

It makes me a little nervous that I play a character that exhibits some of the symptoms of schizophrenia, partially because that's just how the character developed and partially because I was already doing a ton of research on it because of my friends. It still makes me wary that it may push buttons I have no intention of pushing.


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