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deathy_the_sock September 10 2011, 04:56:00 UTC
... Aaaaargh.

You have the ability of Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler, Arthas killed you in, of all places, TANARIS... two lorefails and a "what the hell are you smoking" points right there.

Deathy thinks the "past, present, and future" is a reference to the two quests in the Bronze Dragonshrine, and... the Lich King gave you a disease which killed you a short time after you personally killed him? That is... actually not a bad idea if you can get past the "killed the Lich King personally" bit. Entirely in-character and devious of him. Too bad they didn't implement this in-game, it would have been entertaining.

The bit about a prophecy that ALL the Dragon Aspects knew about, and thus saved your life? Not God Mode Sue there, at all. Though... if there was a prophecy involving this twit saving the world, Deathy would have joined Malygos in a heartbeat and tried to blow up Azeroth too.

And... Deathwing himself planted part of his soul in Stu here, letting him cast fire magic like all other mages. What really gets to Deathy is how, well, lame this plan is. Deathwing would have been more along the lines of "plant a magical lava nuke under Stormwind and Orgrimmar", not "plan to take over a very squishy mage's body if I die".

Also, Deathwing's special breath is called the Shadowflame. Having that in your soul at least would sound more canonical.

It'd still be stupid, though.


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