I come from a faraway country and I bring translations.

Sep 06, 2011 12:51

I thought my realm was full of self-declared elitists and pregnant teenage elf DKs, but lacked a greater population of weird hybrids, sekrit dargonz and poweremoting flags. Man, I was wrong.

As I noticed that it takes me hours to translate a simple flag (I would make a bad professional translator), I'll just give an overview and post the snippets that bugged me the most. Hope that's okay for you! (Quotes from the flags will be in bold) None of these people were flagged as beginners, so I guess they knew what they were doing. Which didn't make it better.


#1 was a Blood Elf I saw fishing in Thunder Bluff. His flag was pretty standard, to be honest.
Nickname of teh evul badassiness: The Bloodthirster. Check.
First line in the flag is about character's relationship status: Engaged to (name). Check.
Age stated in „human years“: Check, although I don't care much about this one. I'm never sure about the age of races I seldomly play, and I usually describe my characters as „young adult“ or „middle age“ and the like.
Then his flag goes on about his gaze is always grim except when he's happy. His voice, though, is bright and mellifluous, but it also has something mystical, under his helmet his voice resounds gloomily. He also has tattoos and piercings in his face and wears an eyepatch.
His snow-white hair reminds most of the time of beautiful snowy landscapes where the sun shines. On other occasions, it reminds me of bones, or curtains, or the fact that I have to buy milk, and my hunter who is actually a baker thinks of flour.
Then there's more about his muscles and how his body is fuzzy and scarred, and about his expensive and classy armour that shines and shows no damage, but still seems gloomy. Sorry, boy, my warriors would laugh at your armour. My DKs would, too. (Except for the one who's perpetually confused). And my rogue. And my crazy shaman. Hell, even my priest would laugh, but he doesn't get anything that's not flowers or mail boxes.
Wouldn't be too bad, I think, if he got rid of those contradictions and stopped telling me that I find everything about him (adjective), but gloomy. See it as a palate cleanser for...


#2. Who was also fishing in Thunder Bluff. There must be something in the water.
This one made me stop dead in my tracks, because his race was stated as Blood / Night Elf.
*incoherent sounds*
I... I'm just here report *takes a deep breath*
So, our friend here goes by the distinctly elven (elvish? Elfy? Whatever?) name of (first name) dê Grave. He makes a well-groomed impression, but sometimes just omits it. He wears black or very dark leather and always carries a weapon. Of course, he has the standard badass scar across his left eye.
A very silent guy who doesn't talk more than necessary. Polite, friendly, helpful, but he can also be temperamental, rough and mannerless. He loves to play tricks on others and likes to laugh, but that is rarely the case. Make up your mind already! A daredevil through and through. Because of the badass scar, I guess.
Okaaay. Now there's his history. Sit down, take a drink.
He was the son of a Night Elf mother and a Blood Elf father whose name was Jeremy. Yup. And he was born in Darkshire. His mother was outcast - not because of him, but because mixed marriage wasn't allowed, and so his mother went... into the woods around Darkshire, where he grew up.
His father, meanwhile, was bitten by a worgen and turned worgen himself, but still continued to lead his guild (whatever guild he's talking about) with his son (who was a child at that time and lived in the woods?). Oh, and being the caring worgen belf father that he is, he came around from time to time to teach his son how to become a rogue.
So the character wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and went to Silvermoon City to join the rogue guild. (Is there one? Is there only one? Is he talking about actual guilds or some kind of syndicate? Need... more... coffee). Of course, he managed to hide his night elf ancestry, but one day someone found out. The character challenged the „traitor“, as he called him, to a duel and killed him, but he got this badassy badass scar as a goodbye present. His mother tried to heal him (did she come to SMC or what? *blinks*), but it didn't work properly, and then she died, and now he's out in the world looking for adventures and a job. Or something. He also offers his services as a courier, spy, assassin and bodyguard. That's not how you do „spy“, mon. Or assassin. You fail at being an assassin, a spy, and a rogue. And my Troll rogue who is officially a cook is now weeping in a corner. See what you did there, bad Elf thingy.


I rather liked #3, whose flag was definitely not 100% serious:

You see a brawny Orc, he's completely covered in scars. Some of them look rather fresh. Another scar goes from his left down to his cheek, this one seems to be older. His voice sounds rather calm and composed, but when he gets angry, it turns deep and booming.

p.s. Before I forget it - IC Deathwing's great cousin.


Then there was #4, and for some reason this one bugged me the most. It was a rather short flag compared to some others, and I'll translate it completely. And then I'll ask you why it rubs me the wrong way, because it does.


Dorg healer, Oracle, Shimmer of Light

Eyes: golden/green Race: Sin'dorei Height: 1,75m

- Extensive memory
- Ley/Mana identification and absorption. (For our warlocks: Yes, one CAN perceive what kind of energy residues cling to you. But I will ask beforehand or you ask me.)

-- A bright Elf with an alert gaze and a well-kept air. Petite and beautiful to behold. Her hair is long (longer than on the belf model) and often tied back disciplinedly. She seems to leave an open, although a bit reservedly cordial impression. --

((Char concepts: Healer, Matahari, scout, mental fighter.))

::: And yes, I also put talents into my flag, because they're just as important for the interaction with my char as appearance, and so that people know what they're engaging in ::: :)

Thanks, but I think I'll pass.


I hope this was not too extensive and my translations were at least understandable. If you prefer actual English flags with screenshots, I'll gladly go back to lurking and commenting - I'm lazy and this list here took me an hour, phew! ;)

flagrsp, silly name, godmode, kewl scars, fail at assassin, kewl tats, blood elf, blatant satire, freaky hybrid

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