Aug 17, 2011 08:58

It's been a while. I've been through several horrible computer deaths and am sad to say most of what I'd built up had been lost, but the past few days have brought me many joys that I wish to share.

I took a field trip to Moon Guard's Goldshire the other day. Finding terrible ERP flags in Goldshire is about as difficult as finding a DK that can't out-dps his own ghoul in the dungeon finder, so I usually avoid screenshotting them because they're a surprise to absolutely nobody.

This guy, though, sent me into a good five-minute stoner giggle and I thought he was very much worth the twenty seconds it takes to cap and crop.

Look at how much love he puts into his profile. This man takes his ERP very seriously, and I commend him for it.

(also lol ToS violations everywhere)

Next up is this guy, who I spotted wandering around menacingly back home in WrA's Cathedral Square (where else?)

That's right, he's the wielder of -the- Ashkandi, which he somehow got his hands on despite the fact that he'd have been either dead or undead at the time Nefarian fell, and also he is so totally important enough to even be allowed to have it. That's who I would choose to wield one of the greatest treasures of mankind: a dead kaldorei.

His title is what caught my eye first. The impression I got was that he was, at this moment, a ranking officer in Staghelm's little army of flaming lunatics and I made the awesomeface irl. Upon reading his history I discovered that this was potentially untrue and was referring to his rank back in the war, but the history still brought my brain to a record scratch.

Dear undead roleplayers everywhere: Decay applies to even your amazing character. Even a few days of being dead causes the body to begin to putrefy, a few weeks brings out full on decomposition, and a few years...? Well. He'd be a walking skeleton or a desert-dried mummy at best, assuming all the bugs in Silithus didn't devour his corpse.

Your character should not exist. Therefore I shall ignore it.


This one is by far my favorite of the three.

Typos aside, it starts out as a fairly normal and forgettable flag and then slowly degenerates into a gigantic mountain of "what the fuck am I looking at".

"Berillic is a handsome man that dresses sharp and always carries his swords with him. He has a young appearance and tan skin from a life of work, and also his swords are magical and a ghostly skull that only he can see tells him to rape women."

Wait, what.

Rape is the best plot device! It's so edgy! That's how you know he's evil! Because he rapes.

look at me, blatant erper, flagrsp, night elf, moon guard is made of fail, terreble evil, magically retarded, a wizard did it, yer doin it wrong, terminally screwball, lolwhut, wyrmrest accord, death knight, theme song

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