Time for a pile of fun!

Aug 15, 2011 20:18

I was going through my screenshots folder and found a bunch of unposted amusing and terrifying profiles.

First up tonight we have a death knight!

Sauron huh? (Also, note the non RP name. Acherus? REALLY? Are you that scrapped for original names?) Let's find out more about Sauron (and hope he's not an evil wizard in disguise.)

Holy wall of text Batman!

Now, I found this guy sitting in the Pig in Stormwind which was pretty full at the time.

Now we have our next contender. Not sure if this is a troll or not.

HOOMAN? Does that stand for something? Oh, and red eyes. Because all good snowflakes need red eyes.

It wasn't until just before I realised her name is probably pronouced 'cool'. I facepalmed. Also, what's the obsession with people and saronite fused with their skin?

There's also the obsession with draconic eyes... As well as blood red eyes.

And now, for a perfect cutefase draenei!

The tentacle thing scares me a little. (Ignore the repeating text fail, I forgot to turn off MRP)


Oh, and another of the countless lesbian draenei who are into night elves and fellow draenei. (Quickfax sounds like a company that sends faxes for you.)

Now, we have this!

Half night-elf, half human! Wow, that's TOTALLY new! /end sarcasm.  Oh, and look, special snowflake eyes.

Oh, and he's a DK. So, he's a half night-elf, half human who was turned into a worgen deathknight. Someone is trying way too hard... Also, spellcheck bro.

(I think TRP2 had some kind of field day mauling this bit.)

Half worgen huh?

The... parenthesis... they are... getting abused...

Also, please, please learn to NOT WALL OF TEXT!

And last, but not least. Another person who can't be original.

I heard the premise of the guild is a blatent ripoff of the Wyrmrest Accord. Amabassadors and members of the dragon flights coming together and working in harmony.

Well, that's all I have for now!

half-elf, worgen, flagrsp, wyrmrest accord, wall of text, draenei, death knight

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