When I signed on to post today, I thought I'd only have two flags for you. And then I looked in my folder and, glory be, I had a whole bunch of flags! And boy are you in for a treat...
So the last time I posted, I believe I ranted heartily about the pure child Angelfae and her amazing cult of adult male worshippers who get creepier every day. I had no plans to post her again, but then I saw her flag and two things about it made it irresistible.
The first is her bear form. I don't know what universe she lives in where that's considered "cute," but in this universe, that is considered "OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AAAAH!!! D:"
And the second is her revamped history. Admittedly, I played a part in this revamping, largely because when my druid first encountered her, she was informing everyone that she was perfectly okay to roam the streets of Stormwind alone because she'd fought in the battle for Gilneas City. My druid thought this was weird (because, as we all know, the army regularly drafts nine-year-olds to be healers when they've an abundance of older, not nine-year-old people) and told her friends. One friend brought this up to Fae. She threw a fit and changed her MRP.
Moral of the story? If you don't want people knowing your history at all, don't tell them.
Moving on. Occasionally, I play video games other than WoW. Occasionally, those games are Final Fantasy games.
...it's disturbing when your games merge like that.
Pretty sure she's been here before, but that's okay. I giggled still.
It's remarkably important to know every single relationship your character has with every single person they've ever encountered. And also to state that you're not a "Becky Sue" (what?).
I like being warned when people are incredibly emo so that I can just... not RP with them. Ever.
Now, this next one. I posted a little while ago about a vrykul wandering Stormwind. This RPer then had her DK wander Stormwind, barfing flies at everybody and attacking people who stopped the flies from doing their thing. Now she's back with something truly excellent:
Yes, ladies and gentleman. It's a handsome, half-troll sun paladin.
And finally, I leave you with something that made me giggle really really hard this morning.
Le gasp! Where could this monstrosity possibly hail from???