Attention whoring 101

Aug 11, 2011 10:37

Today we observe the attention whore in its natural habitat, the Pig and Whistle.


Ah, the cry of the attention whore. Most AWs will usualy have one of three cries; A call for help, angst, or a show of power. Here was have all three being displayed, telling us that this AW is a Queen.  Drama queen, to be exact. Let's take a close look and see what this one has to display.

A disapointingly short description. He will not find a mate with these bare bones displays. However, he could be trying to fish. He drops tantalizing bits, like "Lifebinder" ,"birthplace: Goldshire", and listing slipknot in his themes. He might be trying to be clever by weeding out a large portion of unelegable mates, as only sues as terrible as him would want to know more about him. His pool of potential mates is made smaller, but he attracts more desirable candidates.

Ah, look! A Roleplayer has wandered too close to a potential mate. He's preparing to clash heads with his new male.
Unfortunatly technical issues made me miss the begining of the battle. The bewildered RP was confronted by the AW when he approached the female. The AW cast a spell of silencing on him so he couldn ot speak to the female, an then attempted to usher her away from the roleplayer. When confronted about why he could cast silence, the AW replied "DKs can cast spells. like anti-magic sheild and stuff.". The RPer backed down, accepting the AW's excuse but also suggesting using a real DK spell next time, like strangulate or mindfreeze.
Oh good, the camera is working again.

the AW is displaying his power for the female again. If he is lucky, the female will be impressed and he will have a mate for the night.

but the AW is frightened off by the outcry against his godmoding. He flees the inn. He has lost his mating opportunity for the night, and will have to wait untill the crowd leaves untill he can try again.

and now, for something entirely different

look at me, wankery, flagrsp, wyrmrest accord, stupid emotes, dramallama

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