Jul 29, 2011 20:10

"Her stomach has the girly type six pack. Not the manly type"

Edit: Aww, my first QQ! I finally get to add the "I made a live journal just to QQ" tag! Sorry babe, but I'm not Asi. I just caught her passing by and the "Zul'garad" bit hooked me.

"Birthplace: Zul'Garab (when it was empty like now)"

I'm going to assume she means Zul'gurub. When it was empty? Is she talking about how the old uninstanced zul'gurub had no mobs in it, and that she was born there? I'm not that knowledgable about troll lore outside the darkspear, but don't trolls live there? Any way why is an elf being born all the way down in stranglethorn vale?

"this elf is like most elvens"

I don't think english is this person's first language. This made me chuckle though.

"..as every other elf she chooses the road to become a dark hearted rogue."

all belves are on the road to becoming a deark hearted rogue. IT IS THE ONLY WAY FOR ELVES!

"Known to hear her name shouted, Known too see HER getting yelled at or fightin' always a way around Silvermoon too see her name"

Sense: this scentence makes none.

"Her cheekbones frame her face as if she was perfectly made"

Your cheekbones frame your face?! Grats on not being deformed, but that doesn't make you perfectly made.

"Her mood is usualy .. erm lets say , Different from others?"

My god. She's an individual with her own feelings that differ from some one elses! IT'S DIFFERENT, BURN IT!
That or she's feeling some emotion outside of the known human ones. In that case, IT'S DIFFERENT! BURN IT!

"She'd be found at the dummy station, Wayfarer's inn, outside of the inn, Murder row the court sun fountain or waterfalled areas in eversong"

It would have been easier to say "Not in royal exchange or walk of elders." Or "anywhere I will be oggled"

"Her stomach has girly type six pack. Not the manly type."

"Hey, guys, I'm a girl! Boobs! I'm muscly, but that might make people think I have an ounce of masculinity.. so they're GIRLY abs. There's a difference. Totally."

((arg. Slow internet ate half my post D: I'll just skip on over to this part and continue my rant tomorrow, when I can go somewhere with a better connection))

"She killed him when she found out about him stealing her as a child..."

Given no hints or context as to how he raised her, I'm going to assume that he treated her like his own daughter and that this is now a story of a psychotic murderous child that commits patricide. All those years, and there's no emotional attatchments? Nothing that would make her hesitate in killing him (atleast immediatly)? Even if he was abusive, not even the fear from being raised and conditioned under an oppresive crazy dude would make her run instead of killing him?

Also, she's decribed two different tramp stamps. Did she just forget, or do we have a stamp within a stamp? Stampception?

flagrsp, butthurt, game logic, kewl tats, blood elf, wankery, wyrmrest accord, i made a journal just to qq, dramallama

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