Be prepared for the derp of the century.

Jul 08, 2011 19:16

 Hi, this is my first post and oh my god why i don't even

Title: Sylvanas' incounter
Author: wowwinxgirlz

Name: Goldentigere/Goldentigete/Enoby
Species: Night Elf/'Exelical' Dragon
Hair: Light blue and growing.
Eyes: 'Deep amythest that seem to stare past you'
Canon Connections: Daughter of Illidan and a spreadsheet program. Springs Sylvanas from an Alliance prison for some reason, who instantly develops a girlcrush on Sue's mad skillz.
Special Abilities: Well, she can turn into a dragon. And her powerful presence has Sylvie quaking in her boots. And she's like, super awesome, man.
Poessions: An angry leather top, and a gooey bow.
Origin: Hell if I know.

Notes: I'm still trying to make sense of this. Two short chapters and I'm already confused as all hell, which the author should count as a minor accomplishment. The spelling/grammar is enjoyably bad and vaguely reminiscent of Tara Gilespie's. It's written from the first person perspective of a tragically wussified Banshee Queen, and a good deal of it is singing praises of Goldenwhatever.


"I was...a hero of houor. A hero thats what I once was. untill that wreched scourge came, they took everything from me EVERYTHING!...Even my life. i was transformed from an archer of the light to a bandshee. My former master Arthas held me as a i broke away from his cluch and rebelled agenst him. I SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER led a group of scourge to the horde and called ourselves the FORSAKEN...we will not stand here and sit around like a doll. we will fight the scourge and kill the lich king this i swear!""This can't be happening..." I said as i was locked up in a tiney but well secured cell. "I Sylvanas Windrunner cant posibly be locked up in a cell this cant be!"

Stop your bikering slave." a guard orderd. "you will be charged agenead totoe with magic''.i coulden't move, couldent scream for help, couldent excape. " these chanes won't hold me for long i can feel it." i couldnt belive what happened a few days ago. We where conversating with General Otan when we where ambushed. they used a special magic to capture me and nock my army OUT. i couldn't sommon help or anthing i was like a helpless child.
"jon time to go your shift is over." a guard came and told the others to go.
"ok, this monster ain't goin' anywhere.
"*sigh* if only that was true."
"cmon lets get out of here this place creeps me out almost as mush as that thing." A female guared pointed at me,I growled.
After they left i was alone. not like i cared i was used to the felling of bein by myself with no one to care about me (thanks to arthas).
Then i heard a presence i could feel the strength of the person it could kill me if it lookat me the power was extrodanary nothing as i ever felt in my life or death.
"H-hello?" the sound was of a little girl. a night elf. the was so small to me and so hurt. she had growing light blue hair that covered her bear markings. her eyes where wide in fright and happienes. her skin was a pale with a blue tint. she wore a raged leather top and bottem. with a small bow in her hand. "who are y-you?" she shivered. "its so cold here how can you posib-bly survive?" i saw that she had lots of questions. her eyes where locked on to my red eyes. " I- im sylvanas windrunner bandshee queen of the forsaken of the horde. 'why am i telling her this?' I tought. " sylvanas, im Goldentigere, daughter of the demon hunter Illidan and the ummm... third triplet of Firelynx and Lakthoren." I had nothing to say "Exel what?"
''are you lonley?'' she said.
"no im fine till my days are up..." i managed to say.
"well then... i hope your spirit gets freed one day."
whatdid she mean by that? Goldentigete drew her small bow and an arow it looked like a demon tooth arowhead covered on a blue gooey liquid.

I can't be bothered to say anything snarky about this. Mostly because I'm lazy and my head is full of mucus. Also, I'm pretty sure I didn't code this correctly. 

night elf, fanfic, sylvie w, you make me sic, dragon, yer doin it wrong, lolwhut, horrible relative

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