I'm just gonna post this here.

Apr 08, 2011 18:38

Walk away slowly, and hope I'm doin' it right. (Long time lurker, first time poster :'D).

So last night on good ol' Wyrmrest Accord, I was walkin' around Silvermoon on my mage when all of a sudden I spot this little gem.

Um...I'm not sure what to think...Honestly I hope this is satire... I...I mean really,we all had our run with Kingdom Hearts, but I dunno, a little gay blood elf with ocean blue eyes dancing in a corner, making magic ice cream appear just doesn't sound right...or appealing. Honestly, it just sounds kinda derpy. And that "full red lips that look quite kissable." line only makes me imagine DUCKFACE EVERYWHERE.
I liked Kingdom Hearts for a while, and Roxas was one of my favorite characters. It sort of makes me upset to see a direct rip off of one of my favorite characters from a series in another game he doesn't even belong in. ._. I'm kind of scared. There was also (supposedly) an Axel. But I didn't get a screenshot of him.


Moving on with one more flag that had a friend and I puzzled.

Let's take a moment and look over his kewl tattoos, ability to create hate, extremely over weight physique and "up yours" personality to call out his race- What exactly does he mean by "New Sin'Dorei"? Are there old Sin'dorei? I don't understand.
Also, what the hell is a "mature and deadly" roleplaying style? I mean, I understand the mature part just fine and dandy, but what about the deadly part? Am I gonna die by the end of our plot? Like...physically in every sense of the word? o.ò Maybe we should skip the RP for right now, I'd like to live a bit longer.

fatty, japacheese, crossover, flagrsp, ruined forever, wyrmrest accord, kewl tats

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