First post!

Mar 17, 2011 09:25

Prolly doing it all wrong. Also, can has history tab abuse tag?

It's amazing what you will see if you sit long enough in the Row.  Wyrmrest Accord, naturally. Huge image dump ahead...I'm lazy and only now decided to post what I've got.
Apologies for reposts, though I don't think I've seen these here before...

.Hack// related RP? Isn't that ANIME????

Not only is he a Felblood, he's RECENTLY become one. Also, honey, you're a bit young to have been involved in the Troll Wars. :|

I giggled for a good five minutes over the "Lick" King. But hgnnnnnnn happy jolly "WETS BE FWEINDS AND PWANCE" DKs make me twitch. Also, lady, you're very very very short for a female Tauren!

...I was so put off by this that I didn't even bother looking at the biography tab. I also don't have any words for this.

This makes me think of individuals who are very promiscuous, have a very well known reputation for being promiscuous, act in a way for attention, yet get offended if you act in a similar way towards them and/or call them out on it, etc cet. The whole time I was sitting there she was going on about how hot it was to have two guys lean over her and make out (which IS hot, but with such a snappy, butthurt, accusatory RSP??? ABUH??), and much much more.

And this is why I suggest a history tab abuse tag. If you got through all that, I applaud you. What gets me is we have ANOTHER "omg I has blue eyes CUZ I WASN'T ADDICTED" Blood Elf...and do you honestly think if Silvermoon was suspecting your house or whatever was full of Kael'thas supporters, that Lor'themar would go "my bad" if you tried to state otherwise? I just highly doubt you'd be able to waltz in and out without the city guard up your back, and lots of lots of time in a special Spire interrogation (read: torture) room.  Just sayin'. Those blood elves in the Bazaar aren't get brainwashed because it's the new it thing. <<
There we have it. Enjoy! \m/

blatant erper, wank, butthurt, then scourge happens, lore-crushing, yer doin it wrong, wyrmrest accord, lore crushing, look at me, flagrsp, wall of text, blood elf, wankery, lolwhut, death knight, underweight, emo bullcrap

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