Yet more Earthen Ring wiki!

Mar 10, 2011 06:50

Deathy is sorry about this, but after the first entry, he just kept on digging...

And of course they're all Death Knights.

First off, and these will be in alphabetical order because Deathy is just anal retentive like that, we have...

Now, he's not too bad - a little overkill on his desire to wear nothing but black, black, and more black, but... he's a belf. Style, dontchaknow. He also has the title "Master of the Dead", because he can raise ghouls. One even sticks around after summoning, as opposed to dying shortly thereafter like all those other Unholy-specced DKs.

Background is... regurgitating what happened in the Death Knight starting area, because no one else experienced it or knows why the DKs are after Arthas. Then he goes and joins a cult to gain more power - Deathy is fairly sure Highlord Mograine would have something to say about that. Or just spork him.

Next, we have... Well.

First complaint? The Final Fantasy XII character known as "Judge Magister Gabranth". Changing those two letters and adding a "dark" suffix after the name... isn't disguising things much.

Grammar and spelling leave something to be desired, but... that's not news. The background of "stole from the Church of the Light and they willingly and happily made him a Brother after they caught him" is... a little much, plus how he was apparently prone to violence but never was punished for it... Typical Sue traits, if memory serves. Then we get to how he was killed. "Knifed in the back for inspiring people". Evidently they couldn't take his speeches and killed him for it.

Hm. Captain Hammer? Must investigate further.

It follows that with some nonsense sentence fragments and "now he is free", essentially.

Thirdly, ladies, gentlemen, and ladylike gentlemen, we have... A Forsaken DK!

Not too much to report - your typical Forsaken who became a Head Apothecary, Arthas took personal interest in him, was almost killed when Scourge Happened Again. Deathy will give points for the Forsaken trying to go home to his family and the horrible rejection he received, because that's canonically what happens to the poor buggers.

Here's where it gets slightly confusing. It's hard to tell if he was raised as a DK and rose to meet the challenges an initiate would face, or if they raised him and said "we want you as a Death Knight and it'll be hard going" and he said "sure, I'm game to try". Scourge do not ask nicely. They either kill you and rez you as an obedient puppet, or they keep killing and rezzing you until your will is shattered enough you give in or you're ghoul food.

Also, he seemingly was able to choose to leave servitude to the Lich King when Commander "Morgaine" of the "Ebon Nights" asked him. Pretty sure Arthas has something to say about minions who try that. Deathy thinks it's something along the lines of "Kill him."

And now he is cruel and walled off and has no mercy or sympathy - no, wait. He cares for the Sporelings of Sporeggar.


And here Deathy thought a DK's reaction would be "the strong survive and the weak do not. Let them perish", seeing as that's how they've always operated. Perhaps he has been misinformed.

And now, for our last contestant, give them a round of applause, they've been wonderful...

This one scares Deathy, and that takes some effort. It's not the belf who's really a half-elf who's also a San'layn and carries three swords at once that gets to him. That's... sadly normal. So is him somehow living in the orcish internment camps. What gets to Deathy is the rather worrisome mood swings and anger issues. As a child, and in a fight with another child, he freezes his opponent's head solid.

Then keeps it.

As a trophy.

... Troubling Unchildhood Behavior much? (Deathy'd link it to TvTropes except he doesn't know how and people would probably attempt to strangle him.)

That gets him exiled from Silvermoon to the internment camps; the rest of it is... a bit of a confusing mishmash, about how the orcs of the camp taught him about the spirits and his potential as a shaman (while shamanism was forgotten by them, hm) and how a human taught him about being a paladin (funny, thought the High Elves weren't that big on the Light).

He meets another girl in the camp, they hit it off despite him constantly riddling at her, he goes home and things are different ("Say, did you redecorate the city? That Dead Scar really sets off the red and gold." No wait this was before Scourge Happened.)

Oh, sorry, then Scourge Happened and he rescued some of his family by sacrificing himself by casting a spell, stabbing himself in the chest, and freezing everything around him including himself. Scourge got the rest (Zadon: 2 Scourge: All of Silvermoon. Game goes to Scourge). Somehow he was close enough to hear Sylvie W scream as Arthas killed her, too.

So, fellow Sue- and Stu-hunters... should Deathy stay off the wiki?

look at moi, vampire, kewl scars, forsaken, then scourge happens, game logic, yer doing it wrong, lore crushing, wangst, look at me, wikicrap, wall of text, you make me sic, blood elf, beloved peasant village, half-elf, earthen ring, death knight, emo bullcrap

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